My eggs go into lockdown tomorrow evening. All eight are moving and looking good, though some still seem more developed than others. Iā€™ve been swapping locations in my little (Janoel 12) incubator, so Iā€™m not sure exactly why the discrepancies in their rates of development are persisting. My broodmare is looking closer, too. Iā€™d say thereā€™s a good chance Iā€™ll be on both hatch watch and foal watch late this weekend. Might as well get all the sleeplessness over with at once, right? :fl:lau
My eggs go into lockdown tomorrow evening. All eight are moving and looking good, though some still seem more developed than others. Iā€™ve been swapping locations in my little (Janoel 12) incubator, so Iā€™m not sure exactly why the discrepancies in their rates of development are persisting. My broodmare is looking closer, too. Iā€™d say thereā€™s a good chance Iā€™ll be on both hatch watch and foal watch late this weekend. Might as well get all the sleeplessness over with at once, right? :fl:lau

Did you say a foal?! Oh my goodnessss, we will need some photos of that as well :D

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