May Hatch Thread--Fill up those bators n' broodies!

El with what I have going you could adopt or godfather a few of them. LOL
So far its 3rd 8th 11th not counting duck/guinea eggs I am collecting for the bator. Saturday I might have 10 Rouen and 2 dz Pearl & Pearl/White eggs collected.

Thrads going by to fast. Or I am in to many threads and hen houses.
. Lol I hear ya acre I asked jnj to start a June thread so we could keep this group together , its been a good hatchalong but I have it covered I have Cochins to pick up and set tonight from the inlaws so I'm set I'm not gonna get left behind lol I found a brahma breeder here and as I never had any interest in them I might be forced to see what he has as far as stock I'm not gonna be in the states for another egg run til July and I don't want to turn my bators off because they are running like a Swiss watch ,,,,,, brahmas might be in my near future lol , it's extremely difficult to find pure blood to breed from down here I can't just jump online and order eggs it takes me three months and a ton of research to find good stock worthy of the 5000 + mile trip
OMG - there is nearly 400 unread posts on this thread I have not read!!!!!!! - Incredible how fast you all post! All these chicks I have missed!!!!!!!!

We are for lockdown tomorrow guys. I candled one egg and it looks like a chick however last time last month I saw the same thing and it was scrambled egg!!!!
SO heres hoping for live hatches this time round


. Good to hear oes I just posted about you a day or so ago we were wondering what happened to you I'm happy to see that you did not give up I hope all goes well with your lock down
I am still worried about the little thing. It still can't walk. It's been hatched for a few hours but can't seem to straighten out its legs, it just rolls around. How long do you give chicks to come good?

How is your little one? With a wound like this directly after hatching, I would be very concerned it is a developmental problem...specifically failure of the neural tube to close. This means the spinal canal is malformed and the vertebrae/spinal chord didn't form correctly. Very similar to spinal bifida in people. There is not much you can do if this is the case. Most likely the chick would have neurological problems like paralysis, incontinence, etc, and infection of the central nervous system is likely since it is exposed. Of course it could be a hatching injury such as a shell scrape too, ut I wanted to give you more info so you aren't surprised if he/she goes downhill quickly,
Crossing my fingers it is just a scrape!

How is your little one? With a wound like this directly after hatching, I would be very concerned it is a developmental problem...specifically failure of the neural tube to close. This means the spinal canal is malformed and the vertebrae/spinal chord didn't form correctly. Very similar to spinal bifida in people. There is not much you can do if this is the case. Most likely the chick would have neurological problems like paralysis, incontinence, etc, and infection of the central nervous system is likely since it is exposed. Of course it could be a hatching injury such as a shell scrape too, ut I wanted to give you more info so you aren't surprised if he/she goes downhill quickly,
Crossing my fingers it is just a scrape![/quote]

Thanks for asking. It's not doing much better. I think you might be right about it being paralyzed. I don't think it has any feeing in its lower legs or feet. I'm going to wait a bit longer but I doubt it's going to improve.

I am feeling really negative now. I am new to the incubating thing but I've found it enjoyable. I had only incubated my own backyard chickens and had pretty good hatches. I didn't want shipped eggs because I didn't want to get a low hatch so I searched for days to find someone local with the eggs I wanted. I drove to pick them up and out of 12 only the 4 developed. 2 quit early on and 2 made it to lockdown only this one hatched and now we will probably need to cull it. I asked when I picked the eggs up if they were fresh and she assured me they were. When I got home I noticed one egg had a date written on it which was 10 days prior to me picking them up. I thought maybe that was the oldest egg but after the disaster hatch I think they might've been older then that before I got them. 1 even had a detached air cell when I got it home so I'm assuming it was old. I did get eggs shipped after only 4 developed so I have 7 out of 15 still in the incubator due to hatch next Tuesday.
OMG - there is nearly 400 unread posts on this thread I have not read!!!!!!! - Incredible how fast you all post! All these chicks I have missed!!!!!!!!

We are for lockdown tomorrow guys. I candled one egg and it looks like a chick however last time last month I saw the same thing and it was scrambled egg!!!!
SO heres hoping for live hatches this time round

Good luck! Hope there are actually babies this time!
I have 12 eggs due to hatch tomorrow! I have no clue what kind they are but I think I may have one Silkie bantam. But who knows
OMG - there is nearly 400 unread posts on this thread I have not read!!!!!!! - Incredible how fast you all post! All these chicks I have missed!!!!!!!!

We are for lockdown tomorrow guys. I candled one egg and it looks like a chick however last time last month I saw the same thing and it was scrambled egg!!!!
SO heres hoping for live hatches this time round

A real treat to hear from you again............Good Luck
Send it on, I will get with my contacts and see if anyone knows Brahmas. I am sure there is at least 1!!!!

Watching the HORRIBLE tornado damage in Oklahoma.......Man on man speechless. Same Storms heading this way tonight. Under a tornado watch for us till 11pm. Getting blankets for the bator in case we lose power. Tomorrow is hatch day!!!!!

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