May Hatch Thread--Fill up those bators n' broodies!

Do you have a pic of your eggs in the cartons???? How do you turn them?????? My bator is still air this time round. Last month all I got was slow cooked scrambled egg!
The last home made fan BAtor at least gave me two live chicks and 6 fully formed dead ones This bator gave me mush!!!!!!

I just don;t want mush again this month. Maybe I am asking daft questions but am double checking everything.

 The eggs have been rested for over 24 hrs now. They came in the post I never ordered them so they came when we had nothing quite ready yet! only just ditched the scrambled eggs from the last disaster.

Oes -

Have you read
Sally sunshine's hatching 101 article here? It is super.

I have a fan circulated styro incubator. Nothing fancy. But I think the biggest thing I did right was place the incubator in an unfinished part of our house. It's in the basement and the temp stays constant between 64 and 67 degrees. I think it has helped with keeping the temps from spiking.

One other thing I read is keep the plugs out! Those ggs need air, and a still air with the plugs in will kill your eggs from CO2 poisoning.
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My homemade bator and barnyard mix. I have eggs in cartons with bottom cut out on tray that will rock from side to side from strings that I have attached so can rotate them without opening it up
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Fixing to have more in another week. I have about 48 to go in over several days, then another 48 s week of so after that. Ive got turkey and ducks coming on too. I'm excited to see what happens. Ive been getting pretty good hatchings so far. I learn something new with every one.
Fixing to have more in another week. I have about 48 to go in over several days, then another 48 s week of so after that. Ive got turkey and ducks coming on too. I'm excited to see what happens. Ive been getting pretty good hatchings so far. I learn something new with every one.
I have a question that I cant seem to find the answer to: what are the chances an egg will successfully hatch? I know that their are different variables to be accounted for, but on average what is the hatch percentage? I have a broody hen sitting on nine eggs and i am trying to decide whether to add one or two to her nest in case some dont hatch. Any answers would be greatly appreciated!
The one who pipped yesterday had to be helped out of it's shell today. It was definitely ready, no veins in the inner membrane, and the assisted hatch went perfectly. He's a propellor now, spinning around in the incubator peeping away. Another one is pipping at the moment. :)
I have a question that I cant seem to find the answer to: what are the chances an egg will successfully hatch? I know that their are different variables to be accounted for, but on average what is the hatch percentage? I have a broody hen sitting on nine eggs and i am trying to decide whether to add one or two to her nest in case some dont hatch. Any answers would be greatly appreciated!
On the eggs I have incubated from my own flock I have a 100% hatch rate so far. Trying out some shipped eggs now so it'll be fun to see how many will hatch from those.

If I were you I'd candle the eggs and remove the clear ones then you can decide if you should add some. It's altso important to know that it's a bad idea to add new eggs if the other ones are already a week or so along, as they'll be too far away in hatchdates and most likely the hen will abandon the youngest eggs before they have time to hatch.
Well the eggs are set.
Temperature I think is a bit low but I hope will be fine it is sitting at 36.5 - 37.3 = 99 it is fluctuating and I can;t seem to get it to stay at 99.5? I am hoping it will be fine as others have mentioned a slight increase in temp when the eggs start to grow which will hopefully add that extra bump I need to get it up to 99.5 ???
Humidity at 35%What do you guys think?????
I am checking everything and hoping to have chicks not mush or lizards?

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