mcmurry sick chicks please post here

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I found a breeder in my town and ordered my chicks from her, they are all thriving and looking great. I will now only do business with her.
I received my order of Silver Grey Dorkings on March 9th. I ordered 30, and they sent me one extra. 3 were dead on arrival, and I've since lost 6 more all to the same illness with the same symptoms that everyone else here is describing.
Edited because I have no idea what I'm talking about.
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I received my 27 chicks from MMH on Feb.25. They were all doing fine until about 2 weeks of age, then I noticed the same symptons...acting drunken like and falling over, catching themselves with their wings...poor little things. I called MMH and the lady couldn't help me. Now I'm just waiting it out. I have 7 of them in a different pen. Then rest seem ok for now. This is the first time I mail-ordered chicks and it is very frustrating. I want to help them but don't know what I can do.
Gosh glad I found this out now.I was contemplating ordering from them too!!!.......OUCH! poor chicks
Hello everyone, I am new here, and new to chickens. After reading all these negative posts regarding MM hatchery, I am feeling quite anxious.
I ordered 27 chicks and received 29 of them March 11, they hatched March 8th.

One was DOA, one (an araucana) arrived unable to walk properly, he was running in circles, and running backward full speed. It was so sad, he kept crashing into the walls of the brooder, he was quite a bit smaller than the others. My husband was going to put it down, but my neighbor insisted on taking it and tying to nurse it back to health, that was yesterday, I have'nt spoken to her yet today. I have one other, that I think is the free rare breed chick or a buff orpington. He does'nt have the same neuro-like symptoms like the previous chick, but is very sleepy and lethargic. He will walk over to the waterer and drink on his own, but not really eating much, and not active. Also he just lays on his side and back, while the others run around and over him. He will then get up for a while get a drink and lay down again or just stand there.
All other 26 seem to be doing really well, some are even trying to jump over the side of the kiddie pool already!
Any thoughts, could it be that it was too cold? It was in the 20's the morning they arrived.

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The chicks "I saw werent cold a all. keep in mind some of these died after they were brought home and under a heat lamp, and by the morning after they wer either dead or sick. I was a big mcmurray fan, and if it werent for money being tight I would have bought from them myself by now. I know from what i have seen there is more wrong than them being cold. I hyad to email them for a few of my 4-H kids whos families went together to order from them. They had their first order die about 24 hours after they arrived, (about 1/2 of the order) then another family lost about 14 chicks out of the 25. I email them with this and told them because of what i read, and had seen i would not ever order from them. All I got back was a lady trying to promote their chicks and told me that they werenht in bussiness that long because they sent out sickly chicks. I feel bad for the kids, but in the long run they learned a good lesson in the down sides of big hatcheries. They all have now ordered chicks from ideal poultry, so I think things will start getting happier for them. I would just advise everyone to not order from Mcmurray this year. I am sure there is something affecting their flock . Wether they have some disease going, or they messed up with inbreeding, or in breeding crossing some wrong gens some where. I wouldnt take a gamble on it with everything going on. And if you have are already ordered chicks, or still plan to order from them, watch them extremly close and start ringing their phone off the hook at the very first sign one is acting questionable. And keep them away from all other chicks, you may have hatched, or got locally until you know for sure they are infact healthy and wont spread anything to you other babies.
hi all, Its been a while but rambling thru the chicken posts in GOOGLE i found this site again.
THE BELT hatchery did us wrong.......ordered full orders of birds and we got our order Canceled. THEY CANCELED IT .....then appologized and sed they will fill the order again and we paid for hens and gottta bunch of ROOS and some breeds that we DIDNT Order. They were very un helpful.!!!
anyway i hope your experience with Beltfarms was better than mine.

More of my chicks have gotten the nervous system issue, or what ever it is.


My chicks are coming up on 3 weeks old.
All 24 are still doing fine. (we lost 4 in the first 48 hours)
Has everyone double checked the feed they are feeding anything else in common other than McMurray?
I'm really sorry for what people are going through.
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