mcmurry sick chicks please post here

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Lost another EE this morning. Still have a buff brahma, 1 EE, and 2 Lakenvelders in the hospital. 1 more EE and 1 more Lakenvelder showing symptoms now. Have lost 3 so far due to this.

I noticed a different EE with a HUGE swelling under her beak.. when I gently picked her up, she spit up what I can only describe as a yellowish tinted saliva. My birds are all on a fresh Purina starter, I don't give treats, no idea what's causing this.

Will be calling MMH tomorrow.
Just talked to one of my sisters that I split the order with. She has 7 out of 10 chicks sick now. She call MMH and said although the lady was very nice, after hearing the symptoms described, the lady told her that she has worked at MMH for 20 years and has never heard of such a thing happening. She said that my sister would have to prove the chicks were sick before they would replace them. My sister is thinking about euthenizing them if they're not better in a couple of days and sending one to a lab for proof of illness.

I feel very badly for MMH, but that doesn't seem like a responsible way to treat a customer, particulary when there is so obviously a widespread problem.
I received my chicks from MM on the 2nd every thing was great untill 48 hour ago I have talk with a couple of vets in my area and none want to deal with it and and tell me to talk to UW UW but they have yet to return my calls and here in Wisconsin they have a new law passed that requires all animals be reg. in a data base in case of an out break of some sort......nice to know thats working LOL
if you cant get anybody to return your call what the heck are you supposed to do then? I dont know about anybody else but I do not blame MM .But I do want to now what the heck this is
Gosh, this is awful.

I'm happy to report that the chicks I got from MMH on 2/18 are doing great. I lost 3 the first few days, but all are healthy strong and eating and pooping like nobody's business.

I wish the best for all of those who are having problems. BTW, I did not have mine vaccinated. They eat Purina Start and grow medicated. If that makes a difference to anybody.
Some of it may actually be an illness non-chill-related. Could even be vaccine related in a few cases. The ones who drove their chicks home in a warm car have the best case for it, definitely.

But, for the others, I'd like to point out again that chilling CAN actually cause problems that drag on for weeks and cause the bird to succumb as it grows: fluid in the lungs or body cavity, poor digestion, lack of immune system development (I believe this is specifically related to the organ that produces B cells, the bursa, but there may be other factors), slowed growth rate, poor heart development and leg development, specifically. This information is widely available. Some hatcheries used to mention some of it on their websites, for instance. Apparently, McMurray might do well to include it too.

Here's an article that discusses a bit of this:

People also forget how individual a process shipping is: trucks can be warm or cold, wait times between destinations vary, handling varies, etc. No experience is going to be like any other. But one thing is certain: the earlier in the year you order baby poultry, the more likely you'll be to have problems.

What are the odds that the oldest hatchery in the country (that also happens to be one of the most northerly ones too) is selling chicks with an X-Files virus? In February and March? No one could say for certain, of course, because strange things do happen. And I don't even claim that it's all related to one cause. But I do think that it's mostly related to the most simple and obvious cause, which does not always produce simple and obvious effects. And I'm willing to bet that as spring gets nearer, there'll be fewer of these stories.

I hope so anyway. My genuine sympathy to those who've had problems.
My first order from them, I got a heavies variety, all roos. 27 arrived, 1 DOA. The next day I had 15 left...I was horrified!! I even had them vaccinate the little guys, I don't know what happened, but I called and they are refunding 7. I have 12 left total from 27. Some I lost after the 48 hr time frame. I am afraid to make another order to get my refund....very afraid. I live in Florida so, it isn't THAT cold, and this winter has been up and down, but I keep them really warm, heat light, etc. I just ordered from another hatchery, see what happens with them....
Hi All - First let me say I'm so sorry to hear about everyone's losses. I've just read all 31 pages of posts.

Second, I want to offer a suggestion and test a theory. Try feeding them scrambled egg (egg mixed with milk) twice a day (in addition to your chick feed) and add Poly-Vi-Sol or Liquid Caged Bird Vitamins to their water - a drop or two directly in beak of sick chicks. And, most importantly - get them outside in fresh air and sunshine if it's at least 70 degrees. I load my babies (1 day - two weeks) into a cardboard box and carry them outside and put them in direct sunshine and put a piece of chicken wire on top of box. I also make a little run for them - put them on the grass and dirt and let them play during the day. I also raise them outside, from one day on depending on temps in a Chick-N-Hutch. I truly believe they need more than chick starter for food and must have fresh air and sunshine. Think about it, bacteria/virus can grow/spread like crazy in a closed hot box at 95 degrees.

Start by trying this for one week (scrambled egg; vitamins; sunshine) - you have nothing to lose. Either it will help or it won't but it certainly won't hurt them. I really have a theory about them needing more than just chick starter and hot brooder boxes so this is a great case study that I'm asking you to try.

Post your results after one week.
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My new chicks (from McMurray) arrived March 1st. I have been raising chicks for 50 years with no problems. Everything was ready. They settled in nicely in a stock tank in the corner of the kitchen. They were eating, drinking, growing and acting completely normal. They were ready to go to the prepared chicken house as soon as the weather improves. Suddenly (Sunday) they all began acting strange. Some were lying down, not eating or drinking, couldn't stand on their own. I added electrolytes to their water and hand watered and fed them hard boiled egg yolks (Mom's old remedy). One died and about 8 are still in bad shape. Tonight I added tetracycline to their water.

This has been a real nightmare. At first, I kept questioning myself to see if I had done anything wrong. It has actually been a relief to find out that it is a problem from the hatchery.

I will call them first thing in the morning.
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