Meet my Mille Fleur Cochin Roo

He is a beauty, but I'm not jealous because he's a roo, and i have way too many! My husband says I should call our place Rooster Rescue. I keep putting up pens to house them, because if they all free-range they try to kill each other.
I have 6, crazy, I know. Anybody want any? I have 2 mille fleurs (I want to keep one) 2 Rhode Islands, a gold I'm-not-sure-what, and the fluffy guy on my avatar (he's a keeper, too.)
I'm looking for more banties, preferably mille fleurs, to pick up in Michigan. Anybody?
Mom to 2 corgis, a cat, 3 parrots, a dozen peafowl, 4 guineas, 4 ducks, 2 toulouse geese, 9 hens and 6 roos, and a very patient husband!​

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