Membrane turning brown


" For my yoke is easy and my burden is light "
Feb 11, 2018
Middle Tennessee
I have eggs hatching today and noticed 1 pipped on the bottom. I did some research and decided to flip it over.
My question is if the membrane is turns brown and chick doesnt seem to be making progress and movement has seemed to substantially decrease the external pip happened sometime between 12-18 hrs ago. The other eggs pipped around same time and have hatched. is there anything i should do ?


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What is the humidity at?

You can gently peal back some egg shell and apply a bit of coconut oil or Neosporin and see if there are any veins showing in the membrane..
Just go slow.. chip it away in small pieces.
Ok. Thats really good. No more chewing is a good indication that its fully absorbed the yolk..
Yes, take it out long enough to chip some shell away so you can see whats goin on in there, lay it on a soft cloth so there's less chance of dropping it. Dont let it get cool tho and be sure to close the bator while you have it out.

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