Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

here are a few of my chicken Christmas presents....

cute little tin decoration for house or garden, a chicken necklace which thankfully was a joke gift and a spoon rest and mug!
I also got a few chicken treats in my stocking (I assume they are for the girls since I don't like meal worms) and a really pretty
iron Welcome sign with a rooster on it to hang on the run/coop. It's already hanging so I didn't get a pic of it :)
Nice haul there! I only have gotten the skelter so far, but I'll not complain about that.
We still have another family gathering with presents, so someone might give something to me chicken themed still.

My Blue Andalusian laid her first egg yesterday!

I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas!
Congrats! How old was she?

That's a big turkey. We got one from a friend for Thanksgiving, and it weighed 37.1 pounds. I wish I had some pictures. It was just huge. We had so much leftover turkey meals that I got sick of it.
I think we even still have some left in the freezer.
37.1 pound??? wow!!! We're having another one tomorrow, but it is just a tiny 18.7 lbs

Very cute, I really like the metal chicken.

Aww the coop looks so cute! I WISH I had that kind of ambition :)

Turkeys really aren't that much different than chickens, I raised mine with a clutch of chicks and they were great together. The only thing is once they get really big, they can get pushy at the feeder.

My mom barely squeezed him in hers, he took up the entire oven and we had to cook all the sides in crock pots and a big roaster. We normally deep fry them but there was no way he would fit in the fryer pot.

Oh my GOSH! 37lbs!!! That's why I have a vacuum sealer.
You raised your turkeys with chickens? was going to do that, but then I read that the turkeys can get sick being raised with chickens? I am new at this so I am not quite sure all the details.
Our chicks from Meyer are doing great! Though they got attacked by an animal when they were tiny they are much better now! They are Doms, and they are taking their time growing:( they where hatched on September 23rd. They have pretty much no baby feathers left and are about the size of bantam hens, but they're adorable and friendly.:):cd
Our chicks from Meyer are doing great! Though they got attacked by an animal when they were tiny they are much better now! They are Doms, and they are taking their time growing:( they where hatched on September 23rd. They have pretty much no baby feathers left and are about the size of bantam hens, but they're adorable and friendly.
Glad they are okay. that is terrible that they were attacked so young. I love Dominiques! We had one before, she did not survive a stray dog attack on my flock in the summer. She was the sweetest hen and one of my first to lay and laid everyday. I plan to get more in the future.
Thanks! She is 21 weeks old. My four other Meyer girls are the same age and look like they are about to lay any day now!
I have quite a few squatting now. My Golden Laced Wyandotte, Golden Buff and one of my Cuckoo Marans are squatting and super noisy. My older BR hen was molting and is now squatting and my EE, Olivia who went broody 2 months ago, then started molting is now back to squatting. I want those cute little green eggs again!

So we have just one new layer still, my light brown leghorn, Izzie has been laying a white egg everyday. Today it was a little tiny 1.2 ounce egg. Daisy our other older WR hen that stop laying has started back again. Daisy is so mean to the little ones and tries to keep them away from the coop when she has to lay an egg. She chases everyone out. Crazy mean chicken, such a bully.

I still am just at 3 eggs a day but I anticipate more soon!
I keep going on an egg hunt throughout the day expecting to find eggs in unusual places. So far they've just been in the nest box which is good.
I love hearing of all the new layers! Congrats! Our friend buff laced polish that is here is really noisy lately. No squatting from any of the polish yet and they still run from us. Hopefully soon. I'll have to try to catch one tomorrow and check her pelvic bones.

DH and I made a new nest box for the girls today. Currently they have 2 boxes inside their coop. We are going to take those out so we can put more roosts in for them. We made a 4 section box that goes on the outside of the coop for them instead. I'm sure they'll continue using only 1 but at least they don't have to wait in line if they don't want to. ;)
We'll hang it tomorrow and rearrange their roosts. Hope they don't freak out too much.

I ordered my EcoGlow! It's going to be hard to resist getting eggs right away! I gotta look at the calendar and figure out the soonest I can get eggs. :)
You raised your turkeys with chickens? was going to do that, but then I read that the turkeys can get sick being raised with chickens? I am new at this so I am not quite sure all the details.

Yup, I was a little nervous at first but I couldn't find anyone saying there was blackhead in the soil locally so I decided to try it. I never had any health problems with them.
I actually REALLY liked having the turkeys and they came in handy when I introduced all my young birds to the adult flock. We reffered to them as the Turkey Police because they couldn't stand any fighting between the chickens so they'd run over, wallup the offenders, and break up the fight:lol:
I know someone that raises their turkeys with the chickens. They say before they did that they lost quite a few turkeys because they are stupid. After they started raising them with the chickens they haven't lost any. It's like the chickens teach them how to live. lol
They are pretty dumb as baby poults. When I hatched some Eastern Wilds for my FIL, it was suggested from several places online that you put chicks in the brooder to keep reminding the poults how to eat and drink. That clutch did just fine too, even though I didn't have chicks to put in with them. I just repeatedly kept showing them the food and water for the first few days. They seem to be slow starters compared to the chicks I've hatched.
I have quite a few squatting now. My Golden Laced Wyandotte, Golden Buff and one of my Cuckoo Marans are squatting and super noisy. My older BR hen was molting and is now squatting and my EE, Olivia who went broody 2 months ago, then started molting is now back to squatting. I want those cute little green eggs again!

So we have just one new layer still, my light brown leghorn, Izzie has been laying a white egg everyday. Today it was a little tiny 1.2 ounce egg. Daisy our other older WR hen that stop laying has started back again. Daisy is so mean to the little ones and tries to keep them away from the coop when she has to lay an egg. She chases everyone out. Crazy mean chicken, such a bully.

I still am just at 3 eggs a day but I anticipate more soon!
I keep going on an egg hunt throughout the day expecting to find eggs in unusual places. So far they've just been in the nest box which is good.
With the winter solstice behind us and days getting longer maybe you will get some new egg layers soon. My 2 dark egg layers have stopped laying, not sure why and still no green eggs from Izzy. Hopefully some day. I just worry about their health when they don't lay but they all seem to be fine and eat, drink and poo is normal so I guess they just need a little break.

DH and I made a new nest box for the girls today. Currently they have 2 boxes inside their coop. We are going to take those out so we can put more roosts in for them. We made a 4 section box that goes on the outside of the coop for them instead. I'm sure they'll continue using only 1 but at least they don't have to wait in line if they don't want to. ;)
We'll hang it tomorrow and rearrange their roosts. Hope they don't freak out too much.

I ordered my EcoGlow! It's going to be hard to resist getting eggs right away! I gotta look at the calendar and figure out the soonest I can get eggs. :)
I have 13 hens and they typically use 3 of the nest boxes and sometimes all of them. At first they all used one but now I find them in all of them. So it's nice to offer more nests just in case.
Do you know what breeds you want to hatch? Are you getting eggs from a local breeder, BYC or Meyer?

Yup, I was a little nervous at first but I couldn't find anyone saying there was blackhead in the soil locally so I decided to try it. I never had any health problems with them.
I actually REALLY liked having the turkeys and they came in handy when I introduced all my young birds to the adult flock. We reffered to them as the Turkey Police because they couldn't stand any fighting between the chickens so they'd run over, wallup the offenders, and break up the fight:lol:
Turkey Police, I like that. That must have been really helpful. I haven't added pullets to my flock yet but I know I'll be nervous for them when I do.

I know someone that raises their turkeys with the chickens. They say before they did that they lost quite a few turkeys because they are stupid. After they started raising them with the chickens they haven't lost any. It's like the chickens teach them how to live. lol
I never knew turkeys were so dumb. Learn something new every day!!
WOO HOO!! :weee Finally got our power back!! We went 6 and days and 6 nights without it. Talk about chaos... I have never been so happy to be able to turn on a lamp. :lol:

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