Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

Anyone interested in a pair of Easter Eggers? I bought these two "pullets" on April first and got a pretty good fool! I want them to go together since they are so attached. $10

Yep, that B&W one is definitely a cockerel...looks just like my 2 EE roos, except with a bit more more red! Though I can't complain, I got mine straight run and got 2 girls & 2 boys...
Looking for Frizzled Bantams. Does anyone know where I might find some frizzled Cochins, Polish, or Sizzles in Michigan. I am in Grand Rapids (hence the name - GrandRapidsGirl) but would travel to buy a pullet or two. I am also interested in Sebrights, Brabanters, Barevelders, Spitzhaubens, or those little Sicilian Buttercups.

Thanks so much!

I am new to chickens and haven't found a good place to look for breeders.
Are you the gal that purchased the frizzle serama roo and smooth pullet from me a week or two ago? If so, I hope they are doing well! :)
Sara- I am not the gal. I wish I was the gal. Do you have anymore frizzles?

Kitty- I was pretty sure it was a roo and then yesterday I caught it doing the nasty with one of my silkies. Actually I would consider hatching some out but I am such a novice I wouldn't know where to start. It was a black and white paint silkie hen... I think they would make pretty little green egg laying babies!

Would a rooster that young (10 weeks) be fertile?
Oh, my! Neither of mine have tried THAT yet! Not that I have noticed anyhow..and they are 13 w.o.! Bigboy crowed at 7 weeks, Blackie kind of at 8. Roo (NHR) still sounds like a pubescent teenager when he tries! LOL! And they ALL started at 0430 this morn!
I have some birds that I can bring to Chicken Stock. If I don't have any takers, I won't be able to make it. I am in the middle of a job change and the price of the birds would go toward gas money so I can attend Chicken Swap. So, if you have any interest. Please let me know before Chicken Swap.

  • I currently have 3 Breda Fowl. They are about 2 months old. Two are black and 1 is blue. Asking $40 for all 3.

  • I also have several Silkie roosters for sale. These come from show quality lines. I have 1 lavender, 1 porcelain, and 1 black split to lavender. Asking $20 each.

Feel free to PM me with any questions.
I have one blue pullet frizzle/sizzle silkie. My breeding pens are set up so there will more soon. I have Claude McAllister's, Seven Oaks Game Farm line, (he passed away) with my show silkies.

I am very interested in this pullet! Do you have a photo? How old is she? THANKS!
LOL! Roo got kind of left behind last nite when everyone else ran back to the coop for bed; he was hiding under the weeping cherry tree..and I kid you not; he HONKED! I would've sworn there was a duck under the tree if i hadn't known better!

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