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Oh Soomi, CONGRATS. I am so very happy to hear the news.

You might have just started something wonderful in your community. I just read that the Mayor of Flint has chickens in a tractor right outside their offices.

And to top it off, the hens and yourself just might become celebrities?? LOL

Keep up the good work my friend. I'll be root'n for ya at the meeting!
Good Evening!

Soomi that is great news!

Bullet that is terrrible I hope you can get compensated $, but it will never replace your pets. You mentioned ducks- what kind? We have call ducks and they are pricey.

HillBilly Hen I cannot imagine having kids that close together- 2 years and a few months is too close sometimes!
My cousin is having baby #4 this Friday and she has only been married 4 years! Oldest started preschool this year. I personally think they are a little crazy! LOL they are Catholic and don't believe in anything to prevent it. At this rate, they will have at least a dozen

Rachel won two 4-H county awards tonight! Animal Science and Poultry. She is so excited! I am so proud of her

Have a great evening! It is gonna be cold tonight...our outdoor cat is in the garage already and she hates being inside! (either that or last night was too chilly for her!)


Please tell your daughter we are proud of her too. What a wonderful accomplishment it is for her. JOB WELL DONE!!

My grand babies are 11 months apart and my daughter wouldnt have it any other way. They get along so well and are a riot to talk to. They are stuck together like glue. I know it wont last long, especially them being boy and girl... Only time will tell. (ages 4 1/2 and 3 1/2)
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Rachael is a little sweet heart and I glad to see her win. Accolades always encourage.

I understand how having children too close together could be a problem, but too far apart is also a hassle. My first two sons were 18 months apart and that worked out extremely well, but the 3rd was 5 years later. Just when the first two were becoming self sufficent and I was starting to involve them in many activities the baby came along. He wasn't able to keep up with the things his older brothers were involved in which sometimes made him feel left out. Then of course his brothers always helped him with everything which isn't always the best course of action.

No matter how close or far apart one has children they are certainly worth the effort. I couldn't imagine my life without them.
I've got a Chamber of Commerce breakfast to attend this morning and a bunch of our legislators are supposed to be in attendance. I'm hoping we get a chance to ask them questions. There is alot going on in this state that really makes being a small business difficult.
Great news!!

Last night all 5 of my wellie hens were home again. Guess some of em are roosting elsewhere occasionally. Didn't go out after the coop door closed to count but I for sure saw the long lost girls right after dinner. Hussy's!!!!
Soomi Thats Great I hope it all works out

michiganlarry- glad to hear your girls came back

Hey Rhandi, well i candled the one hugh duck egg, there is baby moving around on the top, but there is about 1 1/2 inches of space from the baby to the bottom, and lots of liquid, I hope this little ducky makes it,
I down to 5 duck eggs, and 17 chicken eggs, every one is coming all great.

the duck eggs have 12 days to go and the chickens have 6 days to go.

2 of my girls that went broody in the coop, about of 6 eggs, 3 hatched, and there all black Australorps, the girls that went broody are GLW and SLW, and none of there eggs where under them, there doing a great job together taking care of the baby's, they dad, well his was suppose to be a Ameraucana, but his a mix, his legs are green, but his comb is just wild, his such a sweet Roo.
but the baby's look just like little B/A. wonder if they will change as time goes on.

I got a call last night the my nephew went it the hospital last night with a blood clot in his leg, and was moving up to his thigh, they got the blood clot out, but now his having digestive issue's.

His a pick of daddy Roo, still wonder what breeds are all in him



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good morning all! vacuuming and rockin' some tunes. just saw Blueberrylu and she had 6 gallons of concord grapes in tow for me! isn't that awesome! i am so excited!!!! thank you, Laura!

on to mopping and then working out, chicken chores and then i'm getting Rick packed for his trip. he leaves tomorrow morning at 3am.

i have to weigh in tonight at TOPS. i am excited to see what my results for this week are. i've been working hard and keeping my food diary like i am supposed to. we'll see what the outcome is.

off to mop!

(Laura...i hope your ducky hatches!)
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