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Hi all! My daughter and I new to BYC & chickens! She is the true chicken freak! LOL Anyway, she just got her chickens 3 weeks ago and was so excited last night when she found her first egg!

She inherited 3 chickens form her cousin(2 roos and 1 hen) because he had to make room. The hen wasn't laying for him at the time, so now that she started laying form my daughter made it much more exciting!

Here she is displaying her prize!
Hey everyone!
MJ-way to go on the weight loss! I have done weight watchers for years (lost 50 and now just try to stay there) and it sounds very similar to what you are doing, keep up the good work!
Off to take care of critters while the babies nap! Have a great one!
In the pen next to the camper coop. Coons would go in the coop and kill the rest i thought.

I had 1 killed behind the coop and the coon left everyone else alone, and it was right at dusk,

they did it with my neighbors turkeys, it was taking one a night.

but in some cases they may keep going tell there all or most died
Personally- I would look into getting some more hens. Goal is to have more hens than roos

Thanks for the information MJ! I am less calories than that so that may be part of my problem! I am going to look into TOPS, there is a chapter 8 miles from my house

Kids are feeling a little better today, expect Emily still has a headache. School is going slow today but we are plugging away at it

I am going to have to watch my dog she is protective on my wife when the son is at school and I am at school. Then she sleeps when we get home. I dont need her getting bit. I will have to sleep in my coop one of these times.( IT is a camper)
Hi all! I haven't had much time to log on lately, but have missed BYC!

Congrats on the weight loss, MJ!

The predator sounds like a coon to me too. The ones around here will tote the chicken off with them. I've even seen one climbing a 6ft fence with a full-grown meatie in it's mouth.
Good afternoon everyone. Last weekend we went to a local apple orchard. So today it is apple muffins and homemade applesauce.

Welcome to the Mi. thread T.C.G.

Good luck getting your critter hillbillyrooster.

MJ that is awsome! I need to get back to it. I have already put back on almost most of the weight I lost 3 years ago.
I'm starting to hate apples. Yesterday I raked up 3 bushel and hauled them out back for the deer to feed on. I still have a couple of bushel on the ground that I need to rake up and 2 or 3 bushels more on the trees.
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