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Good Morning Everyone!

At the store last night I bought one of the walking DVD's. It was a good work out this morning. We did the 2 mile walk and the walk and kick. I can feel all of my muscles from the Jillian 30 day Shed DVD we did yesterday!

Opa you did better than me on the amount spent! But we are all set for awhile!

Congrats on the hatch KKl!

Going to Lansing today to go to the chiroprator, and then school and Awana tonight. Going to be warm today so a walk is in order

Have a great day!
Man, all of you exercising is making me tired already. lol. No, more like a little motivating. I really need to do it myself, and you all talking about it so much is making me think...Hey! I can do that too. You all are so....motivating.

edited to add....yeah, vacation starts in 3 days....happy happy girl here.
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Congrats KKL on the hatch!

For you's that are shopping. Kroger has Managers specials at the end of the meat counters and also within the meat counter where the meat will be up to the date to be sold by and is usually half off. Fish, dairy and breads too.

This is all I buy, I stop there a couple times a week to shop and I have cut my grocery bill in at least, half.

They are yellow and orange stickers. There is nothing wrong with the meats at all either. I just bring it home, repackage and put everything in the freezer. I have enough meat now for the winter months without having to shop. I also freese milk as long as its 2% or down to skim. As whole milk seperates. Also check the bakery section for managers specials as well.

Yesterday I got sourdough 8 pk of english muffins for $0.49 Huge onion rolls 2 for $0.49, Milk gallons $0.89, 8oz fresh parm cheese $0.75, homemade sweet italian sausage for $0.59 a pound. I spent a total $13.00 and had 4 stuffed bags of groceries. Its worth stopping every few days and once you know where they put all this stuff it makes walking in and out max 15 mins.

EDIIT: caution its addicting lol but great for also helping food pantry's and church free meals.
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Morning everyone! My daughter and hubby had been sick for a few days (hubby for a week). The doctors thought maybe he had influenza, but it had turned into pneumonia. So he has medication for the pneumonia and is feeling better. The flu is going through my community big time. Schools are beginning to close due to it. YUCKY!!!!!!!
Pneumonia is hitting around here big time also.3 Families I know are down sick with it. Flu was last month out this way.. I hope your family gets better real soon Chikee.
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good morning every one

my 5 ducky eggs are coming a long good, still dont know about the double yolker yet, still growing.

Wow i got home from work yesterday and we have a Japanese lady bug infestation, they were every where, you walk out and your covered in them,
and i had to vacuum up about 100 of them at the double door on the back of the house, and i walk out the front door this morning to get my 7 year old on the bus, and i must have a 1000 or so died on the front porch.

Kohl's and JCP have a great Clearance going on, 1.97. i got Lauren my 11 year old, some shirts and shorts and summer dresses for next year for 1.97, i found a shirt for me reg cost 34.00 got it for 1.97. then i went to JCP's for a couple jobs, and they had the same sale 1.97, i got my son, 7 tee shirts for next year.

1 had 14 baby's born sat and sun, oh they are just too cute,
any one looking for BA, GLW, EE, mix I'm selling them for just a Buck each.
You know some time those mutts make the best,


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Pneumonia is hitting around here big time also.3 Families I know are down sick with it. Flu was last month out this way.. I hope your family gets better real soon Chikee.

By the time they get all the vaccines around the flu season will be over. I personnally dont get the flu shot. Only time I recieved the flu shot was in the service.
And 5 of the where refrigerator eggs, and i had no idea how old the eggs were, they were any where from 2 to 5 days old.

I had to get ride of 5 that nothing happened in. and i only had to get ride of 2 of the regfreg eggs
Pneumonia is hitting around here big time also.3 Families I know are down sick with it. Flu was last month out this way.. I hope your family gets better real soon Chikee.

By the time they get all the vaccines around the flu season will be over. I personnally dont get the flu shot. Only time I recieved the flu shot was in the service.

Yeah, I know. If you wanted to get a vaccine for H1N1 or the seasonal you couldn't right now. Nobody has the vaccines. Actually some places like Krogers, etc do have the seasonal for adults. I have talked with some people at our health department and the doctor who saw my hubby and they are not testing people (unless you are hospitalized) for what type of influenza you have, but are assuming that it is H1N1 because it is too early for the seasonal. They are just urging you to stay home unless it's turned to something else like pneumonia, if you have a very high fever, or if you are vomitting/diarrhea and are becoming dehydrated. So my daughter stayed home from school for a few days and is better now. But she had influenza like symptoms, too. I was told that the H1N1 has been a mild flu (lasts for 3-5 days), for the most part, in Midland County. So thankful for that.
My DH is a gov't doc. He states, emphatically, that what is going around now is H1N1. I tried to get my kids in for the vaccine & was told that kids are 3rd priority after healthcare workers and pregnant women.

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