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LMC...you know i'm praying too Hon.

twinwillows...saw your dad the other night at Meijer. told us the whole kit -n- caboodle! so sorry about this! yikes. glad to hear of your other adventures though!!!
we just miss seeing your face around here! James likes telling stories about all the things you two talked about!!

we had roasted turkey breast for supper with garlic mashed potatoes and left over stuffing and bread.

Still trying to wake up when I really just like to go back to sleep. Took Granny to the Doctor yesterday and he was very happy with how she is doing. I do have to take her this morning for blood work so that they can check how her medications are affectings things like liver function, etc. She claims she want to live to be at least 103 and the doctor says she very well might.
Good morning everyone!

Lovemychicklets: Prayers and thoughts to you and the families.

Twinwillows: Sorry to hear about your situation.

MJ: Dinner looked great!

Bundle up, it is a cold one this morning. Have a great day!
Good morning everyone. Thank you all for your prayers. We did get a bit more information last night but unfortunately they still haven't recovered his body from the river. All the family is there providing support. Thank you again
Morning all.

LCM- My prayers for you and your friend family.

MJ- My word you are making me hungry this morning stop that.

Had a stituation last night with getting another deer someone hit next to the house. My neighbor stopped and asked if I wanted it so I went to go see and the poor thing was still alive and was not going to make it. So I did the humain(sp) thing and and helped him. I know have gotten 3 deer and only been out maybe 2 times. So when I do go out to hunt I am in hopes that I get more to help the food pantry out.
LCM, prayers said here.

TW, I'm so sorry about your situation. (Just said another prayer of thanks for my kind neighbors)

Hey, Oopsy, where are you? You haven't said hello this morning. The crockpot oatmeat turned out fabulous!!! I used 3/4 c oat groats, 1/2 c wheat berries, 2 diced granny smiths (skin n all), some honey, cinnamon and nutmeg, and 2 1/2 c water. I put it in at about 9:00 last night, and turned it on low. When we woke up this morning at 7:00, it was perfect. I personally like wheat berries, but if you don't like to chew that much just leave it out and use more oat groats instead.
Good Morning Everyone!

Prayers said for all my wonderful BYC friends
You are all such a blessing to me

We are going bowling this morning. Titi did well with the wii bowling (beginners luck) and now we will try the real thing!

Have a great day and hope everyone has a wonderful day!

Morning Everyone! And what a beautiful fall morning it is!

LMC: my prayers are with you and your friends/family. Can you send me a pm with an address to send a little something for them?? Or yours and you can forward it for me plz.

Sounds like we all had breakfast for supper. I left my crock pot on low all night with the pork tenderloin in it and went to a friends house to deliver a bunch of goodies he wanted out of my barn. They made apple/blueberry pancakes with carmel apple dipping sauce on them OMGosh were they good. But note to self: dont eat sweets and have a glass of wine. My stomach is still feeling it this morning LOL

YakLady Here I am lol...and guess whats going in my crock pot tonight..you've got it! Sounds delish!!! And I bet my girls will love it to , so I'll make a double batch. Thanks for sharing the recipe.
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Sorry, but I have a chicken question. Sheesh, I hate being inexperienced. Every time I ask a question, I know it's probably something I should have known before getting chickens. Oh, well, here goes:

Four of my original mutt hens have bare backs and butts. The lady who gave them to me said that her rooster did it to them. Someone else looked at them and said that they were molting. The skin is reddish, and they look like crud (sorry, hens, but you do). A couple of them are even balding around their comb. I'm concerned about frost bite, so I looked up a pattern for chicken aprons. Should I do this? Any ideas on why these girls would still look this bad five months later? Oh, and I have what I think is an autrolorp (black with greenish highlights). She's one of the ones who was given to me bald and still is. Poor little thing is quite ugly. I recently noticed a growth on her foot that is a little bigger than a pea. It's hard, and she accts like it bothers her. She holds that foot up alot. Any idea what that could be all about?
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