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My Aunt from Florida gave me this for Christmas, and I hung it above the main coop door. :D

She and her family was camping in the keys, when she found it, and thought of me. She told me that when she heard about the disease wiping out my flock, she thought that it would not seem right to give me that sign. But I am glad that she did. It adds a nice touch to the coop, does it? :lol:
it's lovely...always good when someone thinks of you. And maybe it will scare the bad things away....

My Aunt from Florida gave me this for Christmas, and I hung it above the main coop door.


She and her family was camping in the keys, when she found it, and thought of me. She told me that when she heard about the disease wiping out my flock, she thought that it would not seem right to give me that sign. But I am glad that she did. It adds a nice touch to the coop, does it?
My Aunt from Florida gave me this for Christmas, and I hung it above the main coop door.


She and her family was camping in the keys, when she found it, and thought of me. She told me that when she heard about the disease wiping out my flock, she thought that it would not seem right to give me that sign. But I am glad that she did. It adds a nice touch to the coop, does it?

Wow... i can't believe you Michigan folks have this many pages in your state thread! What a friendly bunch!
From Minnesota!

you have no idea. 8 pages a day- and that's a slow one
that's what makes it so addicting! You don't dare miss a day cause you'll miss a big part of the story! Always SOMEthing happening in Michigan!
awww mom! but we all love that round one with the ginormous feet! I'm leaning toward an odd silkie cross on account of the black skin. Do they have extra toes usually?

Both my silkies and the silkie/cochin and the sizzle have black skin extra toes. The only one that got eliminated is the frizzle. She has normal toes and normal skin.

if the baby frizzles, then we know that the sizzle was the mom- if my lack of genetic knowledge is correct. Because the sizzle could have been frizzled or normal feathered...she must carry the frizzled gene.
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