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No chickens though.
Boy, what another hot day. I'm wiped. I can't wait to be done with tomorrow so I can have a day off. DH felt the need to set up more water stations for the chickens today. Poor chickens are just so hot. I grabbed some frozen peas, mangos, and watermelon for them when I got home. They enjoyed that quite a bit while it lasted.
Mom2, sorry bout your chick. Yes, they sure can be stupid.

Snow decided to sleep with the meaties tonite. Guess she likes them skids. I need a few more, like 2. I hosed things down twice today during the afternoon. Fed frozen berries, cold clearenced watermelon, bowl of frozen corn.... Also changed water dishes and sleds several times. Boy I wish I had my camera on me today. Nothing like a half dozen chickens standing in a sled of cold water. I wish I had another one for the meaties.... One more week for them... Almost all the egg birds sleep in the summer coop now. In the original structure, only Skeeter and her 3, Skatter in the nest box with her 2 eggs, and Cripple. She did not want to be there at first, kept going back to the chuckles coop, but no one wanted to be in it with her, so finally got her to go to the big coop. She doesn't like to get up high though and likes the wider boards.

So glad I got that pool. I would not let the boys out today unless it was to play in the pool. Only cuz I did not want them bugging the birds. Best 45 bucks I have spent... Now I just need a bigger one... With no kids in it!

well any hop. Have a nice nite all.
They are not loud right now, they make quiet baby noises. They are for eggs, looks, and protection.
I tried to find emu noises on youtube and couldn't find anything... I want to hear them at their worst!!!
Update on Baby Micah!
My sister-in-law went to her check up on Tuesday, and this is the doctor's report-
Micah is swollen, as he is retaining fluids and he is not doing well, and will die soon as he gets born.
Sister-in-law's body is getting ready for labor, and she is only 6 months along. He will be born soon, but don't know when. It could be now to a few weeks. I am so sad for all three of them.
I am so sorry. I wish no one ever had to go through this.

Chickens are so stupid.
And now, the little baby is in my lap dying. Cant tell whats broken on it, probably everything.
Oh no!!!!!

Heat apparently causes cats to melt. She just started oooooozing off the top of the couch. Se was not posed in any way!


Everything I had read said they would hang out around the door for a few days, but once those 2 made a run for it, the rest were determined to follow! I'd feel a lot better if I knew they'd be confined to a 40x25ish area......
Mine like to run and go crazy for a few minutes then they hang around the run. They don't go more than 30-40 ft from the run (but I keep the water close to the run too)
Ashli, do you want some to raise for turtle chow? I have a spare aquarium if you want it as well.
SURE!!! Treasure thanks you!!! The bigger fish will take care of them fast I am sure.
Speaking of orphanariums....I am the proud "mama" to a kitten. Not just any kitten, oh no. I got it on July 3rd...as a one day old kitten!
What the...I don't know what to do with a one day old kitten! But...you learn quick. It's now 4 days old and thriving very well. Doing all the necessary functions and even started purring today when it was nursing. I have no idea if it's a boy or girl. Parts kinda see boyish but it almost looks tiger/calico. If anyone is good at determining newborn kitten gender I can PM the photo I took. I tried searching online but all the pics are of older kittens.
I will try... I love feeding kittens... especially when the knead!!!!

Vj... to clarify... I will try to sex the kitten. I don't want kitten! I love kittens though!

My neighbor has a TON of wood crud in her yard that she says has been there since she moved in 5 yrs ago... a month or so ago (and several times since) she told me I could take some ladder looking things that were from an old swingset and an old dog house.
I took one of the peices of ladder a few weeks ago and came over to get the second peice today and see if I could move the dog house. She was outside relaxing in her pool with her friends (drunk).
(I guess I should have asked if I could still have it... Ooooppps) She said I couldn't take it and I already took the peice she said I could have. She is going to cut it up and burn it (like there isn't enough dead tree junk laying there) Oh, did I mention it hass been there for 5+ years??? If I would have known she was going to be a stinker about the whole thing I wouldn't have touched it!
I guess it is better to burn it and let it go to waste then to let someone use it.
I apologized up and down... I didn't realize it was not included... yadda yadda...
I hope she gets a splinter from it...
BYFM - I'll PM it tomorrow as I'm in bed on my iPhone now. My mom said earlier tonight it's a girl. But I'll take second opinions. :)
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