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Morning everyone! Sorry, I have been missing in action. I have been running around crazy trying to get ready for my daughters open house and helping a friend work on some other stuff, often until 10 or 11 at night!! So severely limiting my BYC time!!
I get on to read quickly, but too tired to talk much, before crawling off to bed.

So far, no more predator attacks. We have gotten one coon and one possum taken care of. We haven't seen the fox back, but haven't taken every safety measure we can think of to protect our birds from him.
Good morning everyone!!

Cat -- sorry to hear about your DH's job. I know the feeling -- my DH makes parts for GM. Good will come out of this. Trust in God.

Dreary day here -- windy, rainy, and cold. Good day for cooking. French onion soup sounds good and warm bread:drool

Just looked outside. All my peeps are playing in the rain. Crazy chooks!!
Cat, I am also sorry to hear about your Dh's job. I am not sure how much longer Michigan can survive this, it seems it never ends! We know so many families who have lost their jobs, homes, businesses, all related to GM, the economy, etc.

I just pray it turns around soon. My Dh lost his job too, he did find another one quickly, but took a $9 pay cut and he hates this new job. I feel so bad for him. The place has absolute junk for trucks that are always breaking down, are dirty and disgusting, no matter how much he tries to clean them on his own time. He is not a neat freak, but it is getting to him when he comes home filthy everyday with no end in site. He takes pride in his work and it is hard to do like this.

I pray something comes along quickly for your husband!
Thank you Vicki and Cristy. I do believe good will come out of this. I have been and continue to keep putting this whole thing in the LOrd's hands. I am so proud of how my kids are handling it all. We will be looking for work hard, and not limiting the Lord in anyway, as far as a move goes. I do not see much prospect here, especially in the Jackson area...Unemployment will only pay about a third of our usual income, so hoping and praying that things move along fast! We do see the Lord in the timing and are just going to continue trusting him. I am very glad we have lots of eggs to eat, lol. "Cheep" food, lol.
MJ sorry to hear that your new meds are giving ya problelms, will be saying extra prayers for you.

Cat sad to hear that your hubby lost his job, so many have in MI I am surprised we are not a ghost state. I pray that all goes well and that you all find a new one soon.

Gayle, what a shock so many of your babies gone. I am so sorry, I have been there butknew it was the neighbors dog. Sounds like a mink or weasel to me. Good luck on the hunt to capture and elimenate that dirty bugger.

Like Cristy said the UP is on a drizzle, day. Wet but wonderful.

Ya all have fun today and play nice with others.
I feel for those of you that have lost jobs. We have so many of our friends and family in the same boat. It is very hard. I just hope everything works out for you. My husband jobs makes tools for the suppliers of the auto industry. We are always worried. They did branch out some after 9/11 to other types of tools also but it is still a small part of what they do.

The weather doesn't know what is wants to do today. One minute it is thundering and we get some sprinkles and the next the sun trys to pop out. Won't get much mowing done that way. Looks like a family day in the house today. I hope everyone have a great day today.
Hi everyone,

From reading the posts (I have been trying to catch up)while MIA this time, I'd say you all have had a rough go of it the last couple of weeks.

From med problems, Praying for you MJ...
To Job loss, So sorry to hear of DH's loss Cat. Your doing right, the lord has big sholders leave it with him, he will guide you.
To chick attacks, Sorry to here of this Gayle. I know it must have been terrible to find all those babies like that. I would have freaked.

We had a dog from next door try to kill ours last week but I was right there and chased him off. He almost had my lame duck though. Rudy our roo helped me rumn him off. Rudy earned his place here that day as I was thinking of getting rid of him.

When I called the owner next door he said "Buster wouldn't do that, we have 30 chickens in our house and he's afraid of chickens."
Well I beg to differ, he sure wasn't afraid of my grown chickens that are not in the brooder with a lid. Needless to say he and I could not come to an understanding on this so the doggie police was called.
I see the big pit bull out on a dog run now.
Hope you all have a great day, looks grey and cold here.
Garage sale is finally done and stuff is at the road with people finding their treasures of choice for free.

Gayle sorry to hear of loss.
mj hope you feel better.
Cat sorry to hear about you dh's job

Prayer list is growing.

How and who do I contact about getting hatching eggs from someone local
somebody very nicely agreed to hatch. Looking for (frizzled white cochin).
MSU was suggested ?
Good morning all. Thank you Zookeeper, Stoneheartfarm and Hillbillyhen. I have never lost any of my chickens to preditors and this was a hard pill to swallow.

MJ, you are so kind hearted. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your very generous offer. I think I will just go to the swap empty handed. That way I can fill them up with something I know I don't need.

Well this morning I go out to the barn and find 5 more chickens dead. These were from my breeding stock. Up in the rafters sits the culpret. I would have bet my last dollar that a coon could not penetrate my barn, WRONG! Ok, now what do I do? The stupid chicken killer can't find it's way back out of the barn. I try for 2 hous to get it down from the rafters with no success. I love my chickens but I don't want to sit out there all day to protect them from the horror above. All of my gun toten neighbors have left for church. My coon dog refused to do anything other than bark his silly head off and I would swear that coon was laughing at me. Now I have suffered for 3 weeks with a pinched nerve in my neck which makes my right arm totally usless. I ask God, what am I suppose to do? As I am looking up I see a very distinct shape carved in one of the rafters. A light bulb goes off and I run to the house. It took me 2 minuites to find what I was looking for and than ran back out to the barn. I set my secret weapon up, take very careful aim and let loose. That big old coon is not laughing at me any more OR eating anymore of my chickens.

I hope everyone has a wonderful day. God is good.
Gayle- This is like a suspense novel!!!! What did you use to get rid of the coon?!?!?

Last night we went and saw Taylor Swift and Keith Urban at the Palace. Excellent concert! Keith had 2 young girls (8ish) come up on the stage out in the audience cause they couldn't see and they were from Colombiaville...isn't there someone on this site from there?

Off to finish dinnner! Have a great evening everyone!

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