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Half a billion recalled eggs!
Not in Michigan though. I guess all of us with our backyard flocks are looking pretty smart right about now. Those of us selling eggs can raise the rates.
Sam, 2500 eggs and counting. I kept track last year, with 6 chickens I had 1237. Not bad since I have some that are not known for their egg laying prowess, like the LF cochins.
Busy last few days with the Annie auditions!!!!

2 of the girls auditioned yesterday and both got call backs for tomorrow morning.

Rachel and I auditioned tonight... it went ok.

So tomorrow we have to be at the theatre at 8:45 til 11:00 am (hopefully) Go home eat, and I hope my mom can watch the 4 youngest (Jon is going to Shady Bowl Speedway in Ohio to race tomorrow) So then Rachel and I can go and audition with our readings from 1-4pm. My nephew has a b-day party at 2pm too.

Then final call backs are from 6-9pm.

Posting of the cast list is 6pm Sunday.

I am tired just posting it!!!
The coffee is ready if anyone needs a cup to drink while waiting for sunrise. It's later and later each morning so I guess summer is winding down.
Hi everyone, It's been awhile since I have posted. I was blindsided in my marriage about a month ago. We are in the middle of a family crisis. I apologize to those of you that have contacted me or that I have obligations to.

Please keep my family in your thoughts and prayers
I have been gone for a bit..just overwhelmingly busy..I do hope everyone is doing okay.
Ive been working, went to Atlanta for a seven day work related conference- omg TOO hot...now busy trying to get the kids ready to go back to school...been doing lots of summer stuff, but mostly working.
Ive decided that my ducks are wonderful- less one overly-hormonal runner drake who needs to go away- he wont leave my three chickens alone. I have one very naked chicken that I saved from a pen of about fifteen roosters- and she is trying to grow feathers in, but my dumb duck manages to get to her and chases her all over the yard...her and the frizzle hen.
I have one female cayuga (hmmm. i think) that is loud enough to wake the dead and I have never heard a duck be so loud. She needs to go somewhere where she would be LEGAL because she has blown my cover here. My neighbors behind me are moving. SO SAD. Because that means that someone new will move in there..I have been planting bushes and trying to make it impossible to see into my backyard. Never fear, loud-mouth will tell them just what I have living illegally in the yard. The others are doing fantastic- and the wild mallards have begun flying off and returning. I expect that soon they will not return. Probably the first time a flock of mallards fly over-head, they will go. My 'scovies are huge, and I am not sure but I think I have two males and one female. Thats going to be a problem.

I do hope you are all okay. Isnt it time to do another Chicken Stock? Once a year is not enough.
Congratulations on the marriage, but I'm sorry you are dealing with a crisis! I will send best wishes and a couple of prayers your way!

Hey...to the one with the cayuga problem...where are you located? I may be able to help you!!
me with the Cayuga problem?
Im downriver- in Taylor, and far stones throw from you- but willing to drive and meet someone part way if they would like my loud-mouth! First make sure she is indeed Cayuga..

heres her picture, the black one on the right:

Id be willing to plan a trip somewhere for a day just to rehome her (and my overly hormonal runner- wanna be, for that matter). I would just need to figure out a weekend day that would work for you, and find somewhere out there that I could do with the hubby and kids..let me plot and plan. lol.


not too far from me- an hour and forty minutes!!!
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