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I am so egggcited! They are such sweet girls. I am so glad I got these instead of something else!

If we decided to get another in the spring, would these girls accept it? How young should I get?
Are you planning on having anymore extras?

We moved the tractor closer to the house and have cove base we intend on using for eaves. Also got a big roll of bubble wrap to seal the ceiling so they dont get condensation in there.
Tweek is REALLY gettin ito these girls. Our "normal" friends are getting tired of hearing about them.

I hope these smilies work!!!

wantin MORE
LOL Ya, that's what I was thinking! They can pay me to look at status updates...oh wait, I don't want to make minimum wage.
I shop there for groceries but I don't really care for the way they treat thier employees. Josh's dept. manager backed him up and got into with the Store manager about freedom of speach (he's a veteran) and was pretty steamed about them attacking Josh about something he said in his personal life. Oh well!

Olive, I'm sorry!
Nope, no eggs yet. I'm cutting out all goodies for now and going straight laying feed. No scratch, no pumpkins, no stale bread. (not that they got a whole lot of it) I might hook up a light source this weekend and see if that maybe helps get them going. I hate putting a light in the coop because you don't want to draw attention to your animals now adays with the way the economy is it's like putting a blue light special light ontop of your coop for potential thiefs. These girls do need to start laying so I can get some hatching eggs this spring!

I cut out everything for a while and went with straight layer too. Not long ago I traded some chickens and was told the ones I traded were ugly because I went straight layer...as Aric said, guess we should have given them a bath first
. Anyway, our egg production with the chickens definitely did increase. But here's my question. Do you put the light source just near the laying boxes? I was thinking of putting a light on a timer that went on at 6am to 9am. Does that sound about right?

Thanks everyone for the help regarding my sick chicken. We put her in with the others yesterday and she just stood there. One of the bigger hens came walking in and she literally fell over like she was playing dead. I took her out and let her run around the barn and she was fine. She's not sick I don't think. She eats and drinks normally when she's not in the general population. I don't get it! Yesterday she was running around, acting crazy like she always has, today she doesn't wanna stand up. Could it be the colder temp? She's still eating and drinking fine!

Regarding my new Pekin with the deformed beak (Sunshine aka Sunny)....no worries with her....she eats 3x as much as anyone out there! lol
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Went to the swap in Williamston this morning, pretty good turnout considering how cold it was. Found a new home for my speckled roo and a rabbit. Going to dig around and get a light out in the coop. I'm still looking for some laying speckled sussex hens...

Well, time to bundle up and head out to the critters!
Hello all! Haven't been on in awhile. Have some drakes to offer to good homes only. I'm in Flint area, Goodrich to be exact. One pekin named Schroder 1 1/2yr old and two cayuga boys from this spring's hatch. According to my DD the processor is not a good home and I'm not willing to put the poor things through shipping. Happy to email pics, I'm just not bright enough to figure out how to attach them here.
Send me an email if you can give any or all a good home and are willing to pick them up.
Wow was this cold weather unexpected. (I do hope it's cold tomorrow for deer opener)... we went to look at the rabbits........ I bought all 16 (10 adults, 6 babies)...... the guy had water and food for them but the rabbits cages were not that clean. one had crap 2" thick in a nesting box... and they were laying on it. I just couldn't leave them in that mess. We did talk him down in the price so all n all, the cages were not ideal, but they'll work until I can make better ones for them. I feel better getting them into better living conditions.

I'll do pictures later when I get a chance.
Silly Chicken, that's such a nice thing you did for those rabbits! It's amazing how some people treat their animals, especially ones they are raising for food. You would think they would want the cleanest conditions with the best of care to yield healthy food.
It's official...in the summer I can bath my dog Oscar outside...but in the winter I have to get him in the tub. He no longer fits and I have to rotate him and clean one side at a time...LOL


Now I'm REALLY psyched for the Delawares!
Jen, my mini dachshund gets his bath in the washtub, he gets his whole self washed at one time, he's looong but much, much shorter than Oscar! Or should I say, "Os-scare"? I'm sure he's just a big bundle of love.
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