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Beautiful birds, teeville. The roosters are stunning.
Looks to be a beautiful day. Hope you get to enjoy it. I'm going to take the dogs for a long walk again. Did it yesterday and we all had lots of fun. Chickens are aching to get out to free range. Take care......
is anyone else have mink trouble this yr...3 in less then a month and now i see another running across the pond few mins ago uggggg


6 girls...1 dog ..1 cat...1 hamster...and 2 kids
Good morning (well almost lunch) Michigan

Went ice fishing yesterday, didn't catch anything but was fun anyway.

Birds have excellent color vision, that is probably why male birds are so brightly colored. The females are subdued so as to be camoflaged on the nest.

Raz I like Gary too, but maybe you should think about some poultry netting. He knows where the pantry is now.
I am going to get some poultry netting and do a little bit of run repair.

What I forgot to describe yesterday was that something had broken down the run fencing during the night and the chickens were outside of their normal area in the open area of the back yard. Whatever broke down the fence was big enough to break the fence post and bend the wire mesh. The fence was bent from the inside to out and I can't figure out what might have done it. The dogs were in the house with me so all I can figure is some kid(s) hopping fences at night.

Anyway, I left the hens as they were and ran my truck up to the garage and walked home. That 15 - 20 minutes of neglect was all it took. I take the blame for it.

Under normal circumstances, the run is protected overhead by the branches of a big ole maple and there are 3 major hidey-holes for the chickens to get to. Plus they have a berry thicket and shrubs that a hawk can't easily penetrate. They were just out in the wrong area at the wrong time and that is my fault. Today I'll be strengthening the fortress so the fencing can't get bent over.

It's nearly 50 degrees here!
Here too!
But it will be in the teens in 13 days.

Busy, Busy today, as we are getting ready for my older brother's wedding.
I am one of the groomsmen.
I dislike dressing up, and being front of bunch of people.
But, its my brother's day, I will not complain.
I think it was in 2001 that the winter was so mild that the ice did not form in the straits of Mackinac, and the boats ran all winter - had never happened before. No ice yet this year, but it is supposed to get a lot colder next week.
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