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Mom - I'm praying for you, too! Please get going and see a Dr. asap. Get the surgery scheduled, your family will understand and support you. Hurry up and get it done before Chickenstock!

I wouldnt miss it~ stone, no stone..surgery or scars, I will be there. I wait an entire year to eat Sam's chicken..hahaha..oh, and see all of you!

OK, so for at coopersville TSC we have straight run isa browns and barred rocks, and black sex link pullets, and a few pekin ducks. Supposed to get another shipment in any day! "red pullets" sold out, but there will probably be more soon. There are 2 little areas, and so far the other area has been empty??? Our feed mill is taking names and numbers for orders to townline, she's gonna try to combine everyone's orders so as to get a discount. only a few little banties, one brown chipmunk, one yellow and black and white chipmunk, and a yellow and brown chipmunk, all clean legged so no silkies or de'uncles or cochins. :(

Do you want me to show you pictures of the chicks I have? Almost all of them have the fuzzy legs and huge feathers on their feet. You can take your pick.

Ok, after doing a bunch of research, I have come upon some studies that look promising to avoid surgery for the gall stones. I may still end up having to have the bladder removed. So, going to try this, cross my fingers and hope Mother Nature knows what she's doing.

Also note that peppermint oil in an enteric coated capsule can be used to help disolve the gall stones at a dosage of 1-2 capsules (.2 ml per capsule) 3 times a day between meals.

There are several more botanical treatments, but they require you to know what you are doing when it comes to making infusions and tinctures, so I have not included them.

I hope this helps some one besides me out. I am all for natural medicines, so I am going to give it a try until I can get insurance, and maybe, just maybe I will be able to avoid surgery all together.

Good luck with all that you are embarking on. Let me tell you that my diet is ninety percent vegetarian. I rarely eat fried foods. The meat that I do eat is chicken, and I eat high fiber, fiber supplements, etc etc...I have an arsenal of crap that I take all the time- dr put me on Crestor, fiber supplement, vit b complex, synthroid, bunch of other crap. Still have high cholesterol. Blames it on my smoking.
And giving up my caffeine will never work. I need caffeine to stay awake for any length of time. Its my drug of choice.

Also, be certain you do all of this under the care of a doctor. Because. Thats why, just because.

I will have the stupid surgery simply because yesterday at work kicked my butt. I went to bed at six and slept until my alarm went off at 4 this morning. It feels like I have a baseball under my right lower rib, and it makes life uncomfortable. Eating sucks, because it makes me hurt. I have been living mainly on chicken soup- so I should be skinny, but I am not. hahahaha. Not fair.
My main thing is I do not want to stay the ngiht at the hospital. I want to come home. I need to be here to say, "feed the chickens.." Let the dog in" , "Let the dog out"...Turn off the kitchen light.
These are things my family does not do until I remind them. Olive, I didnt quote you- but saw your comment- yeah, they would understand..but then again....I know she is turning fourteen, she should understand.
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Ah, its not the caffeine that causes the problem... It will do it with decaf also...

Has anyone tried valerian root tea with peppermint? So yummy. Very soothing. Nice sleep.

we also eat extra roos. Unless someone wants to buy them. But, if someone just wants them for free, I won't sell. I will eat them first. That's more than likely what they want. A free meal of sorts. We are also going to do our first round of meaties this year. Going to let them free range of sorts. they will have a nice penned area full of plant growth to go with the feed. I am not going to butcher though. I found one, and she does a very nice job and keeps a very clean facility. Maybe next year I will get up the balls to do my own.

anyway, times a flying, need a nap.
Cuteness! Is it too early for this?
I was cleaning the matted hair away and and trimming nails.... he zoned out in my lap.
I have no idea where this wooly coat came from.. but I may just keep him or sell to pet home.. he's a little sweetie.

Cuteness! Is it too early for this?
I was cleaning the matted hair away and and trimming nails.... he zoned out in my lap.
I have no idea where this wooly coat came from.. but I may just keep him or sell to pet home.. he's a little sweetie.

What is it? An Ewok?
Its true everyone is different. I have never been the same after my surgery I had a bad surgeon he nicked my liver so I have a golf ball size mass in there plus I had un-diagnosed lupus which sent me in a really bad flare. So my advice make sure the surgeon has done a lot of these surgeries, thats what I learned from the mess. It was in Califronia and I had it done the "new" way and this doc had not done that many I figured well if he thinks he can go I guess it's ok, well I was only 31 and didn't know better. You'll do fine I just have a crappy body.

Nova- I had 2 weeks off, no exception, and I needed every day of it because things didn't go quite as planned with my surgery.

Mom2- I have to agree with Olive. I had my surgery 3 days before DH's birthday. He was more concerned about me than about the missed birthday. I would think the sooner you get it done the better it will be for you. If this is something you were told would need to be done, don't wait. You don't want to have it come down to an emergency surgery.


Everyone is different in how they respond to the surgery. I wish mine had gone the way yours did. I was unable to move for a week without crying because they had me on the table longer than expected because the stone was bigger than the incision so my muscles were frozen extra long. My son slept next to me on the floor because I literally couldn't move or get up on my own.

But then, too, I have a co-worker who just had his done. They wound up doing the longer incision on him and he had to stay in the hospital for a few days. He was supposed to be off for 6 weeks, but came back after 2. So I think it really depends on the person.

I just want to note that I'm not trying to scare anyone with my experience, but I think it would be re-miss of anyone to not let someone know that there is more than one way it could go. I do think, however, that mine was more of an exception than the rule and most of these surgeries are pretty standard and easily recovered from.

Do you both work at the same time? When we got our dog, their concern was if the dog would be on its own for 8 hours or more. He's a cutie so I hope it works out for you.
Walmart sells milk thistle capsules, and possibly a few of the other ones. I know about the MT as I bought some to try to help my first dog who had liver cancer. Didn't know it was to help gall stones. For the coffee, is it what's in the coffee itself? Or is it the caffeine? My older sister has gall bladder problems but never mentioned stones, I'll have to ask.

Good luck

Oh, I will be heading to the health market here tomorrow while I am out and about. I will post prices for he supplements if anyone would like. Well, for the odd ball ones that is... Good nite all.
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