Mid January Hatch thread....

Hi, I need some figuring out help: I set my eggs on December 31st, 2011...will the be due on the 20th or 21st? I set them around 7:00PM. And I already did the first candling.
You set them at night, so the next day counts as day one. Im to lazy to look at my calender lol but with that ifo you can do the math. Oh and remember, chicks dont always hatch on their due dates, most of the time they are done hatching by then lol they tend to start on day 19/20. Good luck
Ahhhh!!! I did hear one peeping earlier! I went to put them in lockdown tonight and one had already pipped! I feel so bad! I got them out of the turner and the humidity up really quickly and moved the 7 that are due in two weeks under my broody so I don't have to worry about turning and too much humidity. Really hope the little guy isn't shrink wrapped!
You set them at night, so the next day counts as day one. Im to lazy to look at my calender lol but with that ifo you can do the math. Oh and remember, chicks dont always hatch on their due dates, most of the time they are done hatching by then lol they tend to start on day 19/20. Good luck

Thanks! so its the 21st
You set them at night, so the next day counts as day one. Im to lazy to look at my calender lol but with that ifo you can do the math. Oh and remember, chicks dont always hatch on their due dates, most of the time they are done hatching by then lol they tend to start on day 19/20. Good luck

Thanks! so its the 21st

Yes, the 21st. Mine are due that day also!
candled tonight only one looks like there's something going on

this one looked clear as did another

this one and all the others just looked like a blob

brown eggs are hard to see through

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