
Never Mind! I found a desk top/mobile button. Pushed that, then went through a lot of hoops but eventually got it. Decided to use my prize mare, Majiid. She is my heart horse. I had to place her and her daughter with a breeder in Arizona. Her contract forbids her being sold in my lifetime and I can chose to take her back for the same price I sold her for. Unfortunately, unless I win the lottery, that won't happen. She is expecting a new foal soon. Very excited. She is out of old world famous bloodlines. Actually they are legendary. People fought and scrambled to get their hands on her and her daughter Aja. I gave her to a lady who's breeding program matched my own ideals, and who would accept my terms on Majiid. Sigh... So now I turn to chickens... Much cheaper, than world famous Egyptian Arabians. We had spent over 5,000 on Aja before she was even born! She was one very expensive filly. Her world famous daddy was 25 years old when she was conceived and he died the following Valentines day before she was even born, so she was very precious. His owner now has 2 foals out of frozen sperm by Aja's Daddy's full brother. (They were conceived many years after he died...had to find the perfect mom) there were actual 6 full brothers, one full sister. All became world famous and the only one still living belongs to the King of Jordan.
Very treasured bloodlines.

Beautiful mare and history, too.
I gotta start selling some barnyard hatching eggs!! They r nice and fresh and I have had development in all but 1 of my 4 dozen I just set and have chicks hatching next week so u could see what the babies look like. Most of the eggs would be green and some brown. They r crossed with a Welsummer roo. I am looking to get $2.00- $2.50 a dozen. PM me if interested!

My Standard has never been allowed to run "loose" but I am hoping his "presence" with me settled into my folding rocking chair (yes a real rocker that folds like lawn chairs... Found in a camping store) will be deterrent enough to keep the large arial predators away, as well as wild fowl such as turkey's, ducks, geese and our ever present local pheasants. Actually I have NEVER seen a turkey here but we have pheasants coming out of the woodwork...the roosters are all ready crowing but not into breeding season yet... They sound a tad different when they start posturing for the hens.
Anyway, the dog will be there with me only when the flock is allowed to forage loose in the paddock. He will remain as always never loose. Well, I shouldn't say that... If he adopts the chickens as family he may get lucky. He is not your average fido...he plays hard and rough with our Bengal cat who only knows rough. I have seen him pin that cat by the throat but he is only playing... The Bengal has been known to leap onto the dogs back and sink in claws and teeth... Good thing the dog usually has a thick coat. If he feels one cat is too rough with another and a cat fight is brewing he will break it up (cat policing) if he feels they are threatened he is right there to protect them. My sister's Kuvasc actually stood guard over a baby bird that fell out of its nest (baby bird was TERRIFIED of my sister's dog which was huge but it was safe) of course that breed was bred to protect people as well as livestock, but she had never seen a baby bird before then. I have seen many a female dog get maternal and protect babies no matter what specie it was LOL.

My Australian Shepherd Brox free ranges with my girls all the time. But my dog Meka (american eskimo mix), she is not allowed out with them, she cannot be trusted.
Hi everyone!
I haven't been able to check on this thread lately because of being busy with chores and school. (And as a result you guys left me 250+ posts :gig )

Not to much is new with me. I cleaned out the coop yesterday :sick and my dad weed whacked the run for me today. We are hopefully going to expand the run this week, my dad's planning on pushing some brush down with the bulldozer and then I'll drag it out with the four wheeler. The flock has been free ranging almost everyday because of the nice weather.
Thanks for being so honest Minnie. Just curious, why are asian communities interested in purebreed birds? It must be a cultural preference? I have 20 chicks so far, but I have a feeling I will have 5 of them be roosters. I was planning on seeing if anyone wanted them, if not, culling them, but since I'm new to it all and the fiance would have to do the culling part- we will see what actually happens because I'm just a little too squeamish to do it myself.
Not so much purebred as a type of chicken. They like the Minorcas, Welsummers, New Hampshires and those like them with the big single combs. A beefy chicken isn't quite as important as one that will give them good flavor for cooking up, I guess, or at least was told by one customer. They do use the Silkies too, which is funny to me since I can't feel much meat on those until they are at least a year old.
I have sold my birds to Asians and Indians ( Asian sub-continent not native Americans) they both like the skinny wiry roosters that are free ranged over the plump fat CX's (Bert's relatives). from the twin cities area.

They have all contacted me wanting more birds and saying how much they like the ones they got. A couple have told me they will take as many as I can raise. Of course, they always ask about Muscovy ducks too. I plan to save as many roosters as I can this year for them. Even the age does not matter, The woman that took nameless was extremely happy with him and he was 10 months old.

The nice thing about them as customers to me, is they do not care if the black pin feathers are there or not. It makes no difference. When I sell to those of us of European descent they whine and complain about the dark pin feathers.

FYI this was posted at our general store. Washington County fairgrounds. I think I'll go just to wander and see what they do with the event and who and what shows up if I can make it! @Minniechickmama maybe someone would take all those cockeral wellies that are hatching out!

It says Saturday, May 2nd in Stillwater. 8am. [email protected] for questions. On site testing $1 per bird.
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