
Hello! I'm new to chickens (just brought them home about 3 weeks ago). What in the world are we supposed to do with them when it is SO hot and humid??? I have plenty of water out there and they are free ranging in our suburban yard with plenty of shade. Will they be alright? We are in a heat advisory today with temps around 100 degrees. Thanks!
I was worried about mine today and they were out under the trees as much as possible. I set up a misty sprinkler but they just went around the edges of it. I had a shallow pool for them to step in and put a fan blowing across the run for when they had to go in for a drink. Frozen bottle of water in the waterer and cold watermelon. I wet down the sand run when I got home tonight. I feel for the southerners watching their birds pant day after day.
Wish we had a little (just a little) of your warmth - east wind off Lake Superior is like a cool breeze over an iceberg. I guess its instant air conditioning. We'll get there, and then we'll appreciate that east wind a little more.

My chickens love - love watermelon and so do my kids. Poor chickens get the leftovers;)
Just wondering if anyone knows of where I can find a couple - Langshans or Welsummer or Black Copper Maran hens or chicks in the northeastern MN or northwestern WI area. I don't need a whole bunch, 2 or 3 will due. I don't want to order 25 through a hatchery. Thanks

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