Missing chicken and one dead *I describe the body I found*


7 Years
Jun 27, 2013
I discovered tonight that I have a missing chicken and found one dead. There are feathers all over the coop and outside of the window. I found the body of one chicken in an open cattle type shed close to the coop. There were feathers of this chicken in two other spots than where I found her body in the shed. Her body was picked clean. I did not see a head. No blood. Just feathers, wings, legs and feet, and bones. I cannot find my other chicken tho! I am unsure what did this. Also, my ducks nest was raided the same time I am guessing. But her nest was across the road in the neighbors weeds a ways away. I am guessing this happened early this morning as I heard my duck quacking at 4am. I went out to let her in the coop and must not have closed the door all the way. :’( any ideas what could have gotten my chickens?
Coon. That are known to eat the head off the chicken. The missing one sounds like fox, but a coon will drag a bird off. The nest being raided sounds like a coon also, but could be anything from a snake to a coyote..
Coon. That are known to eat the head off the chicken. The missing one sounds like fox, but a coon will drag a bird off. The nest being raided sounds like a coon also, but could be anything from a snake to a coyote..
Whatever it was got them both I’m thinking. There are feathers from both chickens all over the coop and under the window. :’( just thought it was weird we found one but can’t find the other. :’(
Do you have a game camera? That's the easiest way to find out what your dealing with besides actually seeing the culprit.
Unfortunately, what ever it was will be back.
Well my missing chicken was sitting on my front steps this morning!!! She does have a wound but she’s ALIVE!!!!!!! I am so thankful she survived. This chicken should have been dead many times but always manages to survive lol.

And yes we have tons! I will see about setting a couple up for tonight!! :)

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