
It depends on whether you are using American English or the Queen's English. I don't know why, but I tend to use British spelling and writing styles, and in those, it is correct to put the period after the quotes.
Oh, interesting. I didn't know that there were different ways of punctuating (aside from the Oxford Comma).
I think may times people that are typing on a phone don't have the opportunity to see what they are writing because it scrolls up. Also autocorrect is a killer also. If you're like me and have fat-finger-itis, it happens frequently!
With that being said, my pet peeves with proper grammar is not specific to the chicken world. My wife calls me the grammar/spelling police.
I think may times people that are typing on a phone don't have the opportunity to see what they are writing because it scrolls up. Also autocorrect is a killer also. If you're like me and have fat-finger-itis, it happens frequently!
With that being said, my pet peeves with proper grammar is not specific to the chicken world. My wife calls me the grammar/spelling police.
Er... may I point out the punctuation error in your signature, then, please?
You have the plural of "friend" written as "friend's."

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