Mixed Breed Photo Reference *please read guidelines in first post before adding content*

I am sad to say that I am not very good at sexing my chickens. Our "hen" is a rooster. He is gorgeous, but I am positive that he will not be giving us any eggs. :( He didn't crow for 6 months, and there is no wattle or spurs. I am hoping that he continues to get along with his daddy or we will have to figure out what to do with him.

This is Pippy, our Barred Plymouth Rock/Americauna Rooster. Blast his hide, he was supposed to be a hen. He has been getting along very well with Edgar, his daddy, but the ladies are just too stressed with two roosters in the coop. He will be moving next week to a farm where he will have 9 ladies of his own to look after. :) We'll miss him, but he will be much happier.
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LF Leghorn rooster over an old english game bantam hen (yes, ouch, poor mama. This wasn't a planned breeding, the hen just showed up from the woods one day with a bunch of chicks, and he was the only candidate for the father). She's about 3 lbs and lays a tinted, almost white egg. She's extremely broody.

These are from the above hen crossed with a LF silver laced wyandotte rooster (another accident, like mother, like daughter)

Anybody have pictures of a Silver Laced Wyandotte rooster mixed with a Rhode Island Red, Buff Orpington, Barred Rock, Black Australorp, White Leghorn, or a New Hampshire?

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