Mixed Breeds


In the Brooder
Jan 30, 2015
I have on order some Orpington's, Wyandotte's and New Hampshire's - 4 ea. to start my own little chicken raising project.
They are all due around the 1st of April. I was wondering about picking up 6 Bantams in the mean while. Do you think they would mix well in 2-3wks?
I've had success in mixing bantams and standards, but there are a few things that i do to make it better for them. I have two waters and two feeders in different area's of the coop so they are getting enough and not being chased away by the others. I also have plenty of roosts, and have an extra little pen in case someone is getting bullyed. always make sure to have a plan b n where it put the little guys if they are getting hurt by the others. otherwise, bantams are fun and very cute additions to the flock. Good luck!

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