Allie C

Jul 6, 2017
hello all! I’m from Illinois where winters get pretty cold. However, I have successfully merged isa Browns (full size) and silkies (bantams)! They cuddle together in the coop, they lay together in the same spot, and roam the yard together during the day for fun. The full size keep the silkie warm at night, and the silkie roosts actually more then the isa Browns. They are all females with no males on our property. I’ve read COUNTLESS posts about how this can’t happen, the big ones pick on the little ones, etc. IT IS POSSIBLE. We have 4 full size and 2 bantam. They can live together with no problems. I waited a year to post this to watch their behavior but we have never had any issues between the too sizes. I wish more people integrated their flocks. Have questions? Shoot me a message/comment. :)
I was of the opinion that it was best to keep bantams and largefowl separately but my Frizzle Bantam hen Jane beat up the 3 largefowl chickens on the first day she met them and has been top chicken ever since. Now I have 5 large fowl girls and 3 Bantam girls living peacefully in the same coop.
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My flock includes large fowl with Bantams and Seramas. My largest bird being an Orpington......all the way down to two 14 week old Seramas. They all do just fine together but I also have a very large covered run attached to a large coop. I believe plenty of space is the key. IMO
My run is 6ftx6ft so it’s not the biggest. & the coop is 6ftx4ft. They free range from 7a-4p in winter 7a-7p in summer. I’m just so tired of seeing SO MANY people saying you can’t mix flocks. You totally can and they are happy and healthy.
My run is 6ftx6ft so it’s not the biggest. & the coop is 6ftx4ft. They free range from 7a-4p in winter 7a-7p in summer. I’m just so tired of seeing SO MANY people saying you can’t mix flocks. You totally can and they are happy and healthy.
The fact that your chickens spend most if their day free ranging is probably very helpful. I also think I'm lucky to have very laid back birds.
This is an older post that popped up in my search. I am glad I found it! I am a new chicken keeper, and I have a small flock of 6 month old large fowl (all different breeds), and I have my heart set on getting silkies. I ordered 2 as well as a "mystery" bantam from a hatchery, all set to arrive in June. I am VERY glad to see these posts! My birds free range pretty much all day and just sleep in the coop. They have a large covered run (120 sq ft). I figure if they don't get along, I'll keep them separated when they roost (I have an isolation pen in my coop) and they can take turns free ranging: big girls in the yard, banty in the run; next day, banty in the yard, big girls in the run.

But these posts make me hopeful about letting them all run around in the yard together!
108 days until my new little ones arrive. I CAN'T WAIT!!!!

Thanks for giving me hope - which can be hard for a pessimist like me!
This is an older post that popped up in my search. I am glad I found it! I am a new chicken keeper, and I have a small flock of 6 month old large fowl (all different breeds), and I have my heart set on getting silkies. I ordered 2 as well as a "mystery" bantam from a hatchery, all set to arrive in June. I am VERY glad to see these posts! My birds free range pretty much all day and just sleep in the coop. They have a large covered run (120 sq ft). I figure if they don't get along, I'll keep them separated when they roost (I have an isolation pen in my coop) and they can take turns free ranging: big girls in the yard, banty in the run; next day, banty in the yard, big girls in the run.

But these posts make me hopeful about letting them all run around in the yard together!
108 days until my new little ones arrive. I CAN'T WAIT!!!!

Thanks for giving me hope - which can be hard for a pessimist like me!
I'm excited for you. You will love how quirky and amusing chickens can be. I have everything from big fluffy Orpingtons all the way down to tiny Seramas and they all do fine. I also have a Silkie and although she does sleep at night with the Seramas she does fine during the day with the whole gang. If they have plenty of space they will be fine. One of my little Cochin Bantams is the sassiest one of the bunch and doesn't back down to any of the others.....even the ones twice as big as her.
hello all! I’m from Illinois where winters get pretty cold. However, I have successfully merged isa Browns (full size) and silkies (bantams)! They cuddle together in the coop, they lay together in the same spot, and roam the yard together during the day for fun. The full size keep the silkie warm at night, and the silkie roosts actually more then the isa Browns. They are all females with no males on our property. I’ve read COUNTLESS posts about how this can’t happen, the big ones pick on the little ones, etc. IT IS POSSIBLE. We have 4 full size and 2 bantam. They can live together with no problems. I waited a year to post this to watch their behavior but we have never had any issues between the too sizes. I wish more people integrated their flocks. Have questions? Shoot me a message/comment. :)
How did you get the bantams and the reg size girls to get along. I finally got them able to be in the yard without fighting but when I comes to food the big girls all scatter to where ever the bantams are and peck them. I have 5 big girls and the two sisters that are bantam. I have 3 feeders and it just isn’t working for them

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