MJ's little flock

I just ordered bitter apple spray - it is intended for dogs I think but is off-putting to cats too apparently. I am not entirely sure how to use it without destroying the books I am protecting but I could probably spray the mail before he destroys it.

Try spraying a a cloth and once dry, place that around the books. It will still smell, but won't be on the books directly.
Try spraying a a cloth and once dry, place that around the books. It will still smell, but won't be on the books directly.
Good thinking. Now of course he is being a complete sweetheart and just snoozing on my typing arm so even though an hour ago I wanted to strangle him now I am back in love again. :love
Fudge. She's thinking about going broody.:rolleyes:
It seems to be seasonal. When Harold and Blue Spot were alive Tribe 2 went everywhere. They traversed a greater range than any other group. These days they stay in a relatively small area apart from the visits to my house which seem to coincide with spring.
Hmm i wonder if they're picking up some spring bugs along the way.

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