MO woman faces charges over dogs

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My problem here is with the reportage. The Star reporter shows a pretty strong editorial bend in a piece presented as straight news. His sympathy for the dog owner is reinforced in statements such as, "A chicken heart attack?" set off as a separate paragraph and listing the average price of a slaughter chicken. I wonder how Mr. Rice would write if loose dogs chased and killed his cat or hamster or iguana.

I live in the country, and have a similar problem, not as destructive, but still annoying. My neighbor's dog has decided that the center of my driveway is the best place for his morning constitutional.
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We see that slant all the time, Jeff, in the reporting of these incidents. Yep, chickens do have heart attacks. They bash themselves against buildings in fear and flight and break necks, etc. Dogs don't even have to get to them to kill them.
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Yes and you should be able to let your children out the play in their own yard unattended. But you can't do that either if you want to keep them safe.

So it's your responsibility to take every possible precaution (including keeping everything/everyone you love/value locked in a fortified vault 24/7) to protect your things, and if those measures fail, it's your fault? Logic fail.
When we first moved to our new house, there was zero fencing, and our dogs went out on leashes. Our neighbors cattle dog would run, from an acre away, and bark at us from our property line. The woman would pop her head out the back door, yell at the dog and it would go back. This annoyed me to no end. I do not want to worry about your free roaming dog every time I go outside. I had finally had enough, but before I got a chance to go over and talk to her, the dog started staying locked in their backyard. I appreciate that. I realize that this house was empty a long time, and most of our neighbors never go outside, but once we moved in it was time to control the dog.
I do not see how you can possible blame the chicken owner. Was he supposed to plan for this woman being a moron? "One day, a moron is going to let her dogs roam free, how do I keep them from murdering my chickens?" AND! Those chickens died without being touched, which means the dogs couldn't get in the pen, which means that guy did a pretty good job protecting his flock.

I also wanted to add, with a fully fence backyard, our girls run out there alone all the time. It's called playing. And kids should be able to do that.
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Yes and you should be able to let your children out the play in their own yard unattended. But you can't do that either if you want to keep them safe.

I let my children out to play in my own yard unattended all the time. Well, they have the dogs with them so "unattended" might not be the right word. If someone wants to brave 2 80+ lb German Shepherds, I guarantee that their mission is still going to be a failure. Also I live in a neighborhood where the neighbors keep a watch on things and I'm always aware of where they are.
I don't lock myself away or make my family live in a bubble. We take reasonable precautions to insure our safety and that is all that we can do. A life lived in hiding and fear is a life not lived at all.....
We had 2 pitbulls attack and kill a shetland pony last year. They were career loose dogs and the owners showed 0 remorse about the whole thing. Some dog owners, well let's face it, suck!
Letting your dogs out to go "play with their friends" all day is just being lazy. i'm sure she would rather her dogs poo in other people's yards where she doesn't have to clean up. We have pretty stringent leash laws for dogs, and i suspect there are leash laws where that woman lives.

Cats are considered "free roaming" in our county, and we have had problems with our neighbor's cats coming into our yard and scaring our chickens - to the point where one broke her beak running in fear. Our neighbor's attitude was the same as one on this thread - it's all our fault. Our neighbors told us we should build stronger pens and all my animals should be in pens. What??? So their cats can enjoy our yard? And when i posted about that beak-breaking incident on this board, i got one person blaming me, saying it was my fault for not keeping my chickens safe. Can we please all stop blaming the victims here?

Bottom line is, this is my property - keep your animals off it. And i think that woman is just atrocious for being so lackadaisical about what her dogs did. i'm sure a heart-felt apology would have averted any problem. i have no sympathy for whatever penance the court doles out.
I tried finding some other info on this situation, but the only thing I came across was her Facebook page, which she apparently doesn't mind being open to public scrutiny:!/joy.mcdonald.58?sk=wall

She apparently wanted the publicity:
It's "so retarded":
Not after the front page? Whoops!:
The spelling/grammar will make your eyes burn:
Her facebook page isn't going to help her any huh?
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