Modified hoop coop idea, been done?

What a great idea ;)

Do you have any cross framing too between the ends? I found that's what really strengthens the arch.

No, I don't. Simply the ridge pole. I found that with the bend of my panels, a 2 x 4 would fit perfectly under the center wire at top. I stapled this to that center wire. This ridge pole is then supported by 2 x 4's on end walls. The 2 x 4 fit perfectly between the horizontal grids under the ridge pole. I simply marked these 2 x 4's with correct angle to match up with the arc of the panels, and cut them, rounding off the bottom edge, while leaving it long enough to be supported by the horizontal wire below it. Framing in the rest of the end wall was easy, using triangulation, and horizontal supports as needed. For doors, I either built a door, or in the case of the green house, I bought aluminum combination windows (complete with screens) for $10 each at Habitat for humanity restore.

Using prop boards would be easy enough it sounds like. Although i have a hard time getting my head around that in a half hoop set up. There won't be a "peak" to put them into. At least i don't think there will unless it arcs differently than i envision. Only a test will answer that unless someone pops up who did this. Me and my ideas.
I discussed your plan with my hubby, who designs trusses for a living. He is well versed in dealing with design to work with snow loads, and building a strong structure. But, of course, working with CP introduces an element into the design process that makes all warranties, implied or otherwise obsolete!!! His suggestion was to put a ridge pole part way down your arc, and cross brace from that ridge pole back to the building. Remember that the strongest most stable support is going to take advantage of a triangular shape.

someone did this.. they put a 2x4 on the barn wall at the height that worked... made a base.. stuck one end of the cp under the wall 2x4 and put the other end in the base... I am looking for that build...

Putting the CP UNDER the 2 x 4 would hold it against the building. But, any kind of load on it would force it to creep down the wall. I think it might work to put it under the 2 x 4, and staple it in place (to the 2 x 4), then put a second 2 x 4 UNDER that to keep it from creeping down. Essentially, it would be fastened, and sandwiched between the 2 x 4's.

I wonder if using the off set ridgepole, as suggested by my Hubby, bracing that back to the building, and placing a vertical support here and there, kind of like building a knee wall, would do the trick. Think about the support system in place for a gambrel roof. Basically, you would be building 1/2 of a gambrel roof, but it would be "curvy"!
This ridge pole is then supported by 2 x 4's on end walls.
Ahhhh....for some reason I didn't picture the "supported by end walls part"..DOH!

But I'm not sure how the panels will behave in a half hoop shape.
Me neither.....was going play with one today but it's nasty, sorry.

then bend nearly 90 degrees into a slightly sloped roof up to the barn wall.
Might be pretty darn hard to bend.
I had to run errands, catching up on this wealth of info.

You guys are the best, I'm pretty new here and I am constantly amazed at how brilliant this community is collectively.

I'm reading everything now.
Laid out a panel to your dimensions of 7' high and 9' out from wall,
it only took 13.5' of the 16' long panel to attain this.
It's not clear what the dimensions of the end wall of your run is,
where I think you want to attach this to,
so I can't tell if a full panel would fit.
Would be easy for me to lay out if you want to get a good pic,
and the dimensions(width and both heights).
You'd have to go up and out about a foot for full panel to fit,
or cut panel.
Either way, I think a 'ridge' pole/beam(s) supported by end walls and/or posts to the ground would defintely be needed to support a snow load.

I hope this image is readable...looks good from here...and makes sense.
Sorry, my system is set to decimal inches...
...changing it is a PITA, so I didn't ;).
84" = 7' and 108" = 9'.
Panel length here is 162.71" = 13.56'

The width at ground level is less than I thought, only 105 inches. Height to the top of door framing I marked yellow is 84. I think it would have to be attached there rather than right under the roof as that roof structure is old enough (possibly 100 years, far from code) that I might not trust it with the upward pressure from a panel, could pop up the roof! For safe attachment on the barn wall I would need to notch the battens but that's easy with depth adjustment on my circ saw. I'd like to extend the new run 12 feet with one door at the end. Of course I could just fence it but partially covered sure would be nice.

That messy looking open eave area is lined with hc a bit inside the chicken wire at the moment as I was changing plans as I learned and it was getting cold so safe was good enough. This run is currently daytime only but I plan to ft knox it the rest of the way as it will become extra coop/run combo area if I can get another covered run arranged. In which case I'd likely keep the clear panels, just cover all the ends and trim things up neatly. It was 19°f the day those went up and you just can't cut them in those temps, they shatter.

Green is proposed new run. Sorry I made that with a phone app I'm not familiar with.

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