More about the stupid black australorp that has ruined me for life....

So is this were I can sing up for Irrational Love Anonymous? Because I need to admit that when my Khaki duck was a baby I would put a trimmed-to-fit diaper in front pocket and plop her in there to go about my day as no one could stand the racket she made when she could not see me. When I was able to stop and sit down (and things were safe) I would take her out and she would cuddle up next to my foot with her beak tucked in between my arch and the sandals I wore just for her and take a nap. Even now as an adult, she loves to just sit by the sliding glass door and make a bee-line if I open it because she HATES that she is now an outdoor duck because she doesn't get to sleep with me anymore. When we got her, we named her "X-mas Dinner" because that was the plan (not knowing that she was a Khaki at the time), but after one day I swore that if DBF touched one feather on her butt I would call the cops for animal abuse and then leave him lol.
My BA chick is super attached to us at 2 weeks old. She has started trying to fly from the brooder to the couch, which is across the living room. It's about a 6' leap of chick0flying faith. She didn't make it all the way yesterday. Apparently she did make it today as she flew to be with DBF, who loves to let her snuggle in his robe.

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