Morning, noon & night!

I hadn't thought about the Rh factor until it was mentioned, I am Rh-.
I have tried the peppermints, the crackers, the medicine he has got me on is called doesn't work at all, almost makes me even more ill.

I did read about the ginger tea, was going to give that a try.

I have found that anything greasy....which is hard to avoid in this house of old fashioned southern cooking.....makes things all the more worse. You can actually see it!! Like when you wash greasy dishes and see the grease bubbles in the water...I have seen the same thing come out of my stomach!!

I wonder if it is my age, or what the problem is, I was NEVER this ill with my other 2 pregnancies.

I have had an ultrasound and it only showed one baby, TG!!

I manages to eat a piece of toast and have been drinking carnation instant breakfast, I figured that has some vitamins and things in it, since it is a meal supplement.....

I'm seeing the doc again on the 4th so I hope he can help me more.
I really thought the sickness would have passed by now and I am getting very depressed about it.

My kids notice that I am always tired and don't feel well, I try so hard to do activities with them, but can only do so much at this point....not to mention my house looks like a tornado has run thru it!
OH.....What is the "foam" that I am vomiting?

I have seen it over the last few days...there is nothing there to come up but this white "foamy" substance...
Does carbonation help you at all?

I've noticed Ginger Ale (the real kind) works pretty well (although I'm not pregnant, so my nausea is nothing like yours), but only when it's not flat.
it's stomach acid, water and saliva.

i threw up so much that i lost three pounds with my last pregnancy!

it turned out i had a HUGE hiatal hernia that was growing linearly so, docs didn't see it.

if you have pain in your back between the shoulder blades or burning sensations, get checked for one.

you cannot throw up everything that you ingest, only a portion. keep eating small snack-like meals and you will get some nutrition.

your doctor should be able to monitor this situation.

try all liquids for a week. FULL liquids, broth, creamed soups etc. you will get more down and through your system and therefor get more nutrients.
my first 2 pregnancys were a dream but man o man did i make up with it in my was I sick...

I have 2 boys and a girl and it was the princess that almost killed me.. (i started to vomit blood and did major damage to my esophagus. they thought they may have to go and operate to repair the damage after I delivered)

i lived on fruit and tea peanut butter for protien...and then all of a sudden in my 8th month i CRAVED a steak and i was fine after that.

as for the foam you are vomiting is just the bile in your stomach. i unless the bile has blood in it i would not worry.

have they tried you on Diclectin? it is a medicine that will prevent the all day sickness. here is a link to the medical site for it ..(incase you wanted to read more)

(i hope posting the link is allowed)

sorry i just read that diclectin is only available in canada but maybe talk to the doctor about something along the same line
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Don't know about it being the Rh factor. My son was the one I was sick with and he's Rh negative like I am. Never got sick once with my daughter and she's Rh positive.
I contributed it to being pregnant with a male child.
The first time I was hospitalized with it, after losing ten pounds and was so dehydrated I couldn't make urine, my doctor told me to look on the bright side. Heavy morning sickness and hyperemesis gravidum means strong pregnancy hormones so less likely to miscarry. That wasn't much consolation at the time.
Ditto on the ginger. Whenever I have an upset stomach I make a cup of tea and sprinkle ground ginger in it. It always settles my stomach, and it settles it fast.
I was going to suggest Seabands because that is what I had to use my first pregnancy. The second one was fine. Someone told me to sniff newspaper ink too but just the thought of that would make me ill!

Sorry to hear you are so sick!
If you haven't been able to keep anything down for 3 days your dehydrated and that will cause you to feel worse.

I'm in the group of hyperemesis. Had it with all 5 of my pregnancies and nothing helped except meds and IV fluids.

Call your Dr and tell them you haven't been able to keep anything down. Check what color your pee is, if its dark mention that to the dr. you probably need fluids.

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