Mouth breathing, and limping

Aug 31, 2019
Hughes Wildlife Farm, MA
6months old. Buff Polish Crested hen.
Dolly has been mouth breathing, started with sneezing a week ago, but stopped sneezing this week, but is now struggling to grab a breath about 5 days now. No runny eyes, no weezing, no runny nose. Very clear breaths. I have checked her throat for worms n abstractions, but looks really clear and a perfect pink color. Eats n drinks fine, and poos are normal. Not yet producing eggs. The oil substance in the pic by her nostrils is "VetRx" I have been applying for many days by nostrils and under wings.

She is in a full secure run and coop with roosting posts only up to 6 inches off the ground, and tons of open space, so hard to trip or jump to high and hurt herself (but she is a chicken and I know they will find a way to injure ones self)
Now for 3 days, she won't use her left leg... She hobbled than just stops and lays down. She will let me move her leg n toes and knees, no clicking or swelling from hip all the way down, she doesnt seem to care as I move it around. She has been isolated (2days now) to limit her movements and incase of respiratory, dont want the others affected. I am very worried I could be dealing with somthing different. Unless there is somthing else that could cause lame leg and hard breathing
You are to be commended on the wealth of information you've provided. Usually, it's, "My hen is sick, what's wrong with her?" and we have to sweat the information out of the OP over several posts to get enough to come up with a clue.

It could be more than just a respiratory disease, but it would be wise to start there and treat and see what happens. Tylan or amoxicillin or even injectible penicillin would be antibiotics to try. Ask at your feed store or pigeon supply shop or order here. antibiotics

Dolly is so sweet, I hope she starts feeling better soon.
I do have "Bird Biotic" on hand. And I do have a mist humidifier. (Used when my parrot got a respiratory infection) I used pure essentials oils in the humidifier with rosemary and eucalyptus and such oils.. Since birds are limited on what they could inhail safely
Hopefully, it is not Mareks disease, but that is also a reason sometimes for limping. She is at the right age, and it would be something to rule out. Was she vaccinated?
She was not, and I did have 3 of her flock mates that tipped over with leg paralysed and all 3 passed.. I will not rule it out, as the breeder informed me they forgot to vaccinate prior to shipping... But Dolly is not tipped over, rather she is limping instead..
And I will not be adding to my flock since I believe I may have Meark's.. Next chicken to fall out, is getting a norcopsy done.
Sorry that you are dealing with likely Mareks. Sometimes I wonder if the virus is that common everywhere, or if the breeder had Mareks in their environment, and vaccinated all of their chicks, hoping that it helped prevent the disease. After spending a decade reading this forum, I would be afraid to get chicks or older birds from anyone. I have mostly bought my chicks from a hatchery, except for once, and I won’t do that ever again.
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So here is an update. After treatment with antibiotics she has stopped mouth breathing. Her poop got incredibly stinky n just horrid but that cleared too.
She has still no ability to balance n walk. If I stand her up, she tips forward. I has been giving her her regular pellet diet with an egg daily, rooster booster vitamins in water. On this for 4days now and still no balance regained in legs. Checked for inflammation and legs/feet injuries but nothing. She doesn't do the splits or show signs on paralysis in legs as if Mareks were suggested... Any further thoughts?

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