Muscovy Mating Mechanics


12 Years
Jul 22, 2008
South Central MA
When scovies mate, does the male's 'corkscrew' need to penetrate the female's vent.

In the copulations I have observed so far (or what are supposed to be copulations!!!), the drake, after stomping all over the poor hen and finally getting his orientation does the tail wiggle, gets 'area' real close to the hen's cloaca, (at this point, my view is blocked by his tail/hind quarters), then he seems to touch, falls off the hen gasping, then his corkscrew appears, like going in a different direction, clearly never having penetrated.

I do not believe the seminal fluid comes out the tip of the corkscrew but from the base (cf. Holderread); so what I am seeing would not indicate a 'non-copulation' situation, but would actually make perfect sense.

I wanted to get some thoughts on this.

God's creation is just marvellous. And how sweet those little creatures are when they ecstatically flutter at the water bowl just afterwards!!!!
I never looked that closely...I just roll my eyes, say "he's at it again" and give them their minute of privacy. The dance afterwards is pretty funny though.
I would just check the eggs and see if they are fertile, that seems an easier way to tell!
They do not penetrate.. At the risk of being too graphic on this forum.. The male's private part sort of "sticks" to the female when she is receptive and she receives the sperm..
I think my muscovy drakes are doing something right cause the hens hatch out almost all the eggs they set on!
You know I'm not all that knowledgeable about the whole insemination process but I do know that when artificially inseminating chickens/turkeys the semen is simply dripped into the opening of the hens vent and it is pulled into the body.

Something else to consider is it is just now spring time so they may not be up to par just yet. Young birds are also notoriously bad at first. It's a skill, to be sure.
Fr. John~
So good to have you back!

Sounds like lilchick answered your question.
Now just sit back and enjoy the antics of the breeding season.
Before you know it you will have the sound of little flapping feet all around you.

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