My $4 Yard Sale Find for Zane *update post #27*

What a clever find for $4.00!! I thought I was the only person who kept under the weather chickens in the house. I sure hope Zane gets well quickly!
I have, unfortunately, been in this spot several times over the years. Each time I tried my best to put my personal feelings aside and focus on what was best for the animal in the long run. That is really all anyone can do. Then, no matter which way it finally goes, you know deep in your gut that you did the right thing, whatever that thing turns out to be. Unfortunately that doesn't make the decision easier. But later it does give you something to hold onto in the wee hours.

My heart goes out to you both.

Oh Cyn I have been following this from the get go I know what you and your hubbie has done for Zane. I totally agree with you on your call, I think that if this doesn't work then your plan to let him go peacefully into the night is the right decission for all of you. Then again if the time comes and you still want to try again I would back you on that. I was just wondering if they had ID it in any way. I know it almost sounds like bumblefoot from what you describe could it be that and it set up house in the hock because it was injured. Just wondering as I am so new to chickens and I am trying to learn. I am praying that this works for him as he sure has set up house in my heart, so I know he has a death grip on yours. :aww
Thank you, Jean. I know you would understand, no matter what I chose to do with Zane. And so would most of you. I almost lost Dutch this morning, can you believe that? I saw him pick up a good sized stone and swallow, then it was obvious it was stuck in his throat. When he kept gasping, I grabbed him up, rubbed his throat and thumped his back firmly and it seemed to go on down. He ran off and started eating with the girls. Honestly, if I lose one of Hawkeye's sons (in addition to possibly Zane), I will just crawl under a rock till 2008 is over with! Scared me to death this morning, I swear.
ACKKKKKKKKK!!!!! You do not need any further trauma! Glad Dutch is okay and I hope this new antibiotic works for Zane.
You will ultimately do what is best - no one can know better as you truly feel Zane's pleasures and his pains and you will know which is winning out. I hope the rest of your day is as calm as can be! JJ

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