My Barred Rock laid a white egg...what gives?

She has been laying brown eggs, so not sure what the white egg is from.....we have a duck next down by the pond...thought my son was playing a trick on me
One way to tell if it is a barred rock is by eye color. Eyes should be reddish bay in color. The black barring is black with no green sheen. Many BR have been bred with leghorn to improve egg production so the hatchery stock will give a lighter egg color.
The answer is simple. If you have taken the time to do some breed study you know there are production BR and orignal BR. The production BR has been crossed for.. Production..... thus white eggs will show up.. they aren't pure but production BR.. this is what you buy from hatcheries.. If you want good old fashion barred Rocks go to a breeder.
again, she is a barred rock, has been laying brown eggs, just wondered why now a white one, we'll see what she does today to solve this mystery
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The egg's color is deposited on the outside of the egg, rather than being that color all the way through the shell. My girls' color shades vary from day to day. My RIR's eggs are always darker on the rounder end.

My BR lays light, light brown eggs. think of a cup of coffee of a brand new coffee drinker: light on coffee, heavy on milk. That's her color. With variations, it could go cream.
I occasionally have an egg from mine that is a very pale tinted egg- nearly white, but not grocery-store white! Most of the time they are a nice light brown, some a pinkish hue of light brown.

My layers are ALL BR, but they have no black on their legs, a couple have green sheen on some feathers, on has a couple of black feathers, and one has green eyes.

They were clearly from a hatchery, as I got them from a feed store. I love them, though, and they lay me an egg nearly every day- I get 4-6 a day from 6 birds who will be a year old in June, and have all winter!!

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