My big fat chicken fight


Well, we are all proud of you
I am so sad for you, littlegorp! Honestly, the ordinances in this country are so stupid. I have neighbors who leave and let their dog bark outside until after midnight and another whose house reeks of cat from 3 houses away. My chickens are quiet and don't smell but the city dosen't care-THEY ARE CHICKENS. We have a flock of magpies that I swear know every bedroom on the street and sit at your window and start squawking and cawing at 5 every morning-tons louder than my little roo that I had to rehome.
Here in the south the Baptist Church has a fund raiser that you can send a flock of pink plastic flamingos to a friend or foe for a donation to the church. I had a friend who came home to a 100 birds in her little fenced in front yard. She had to make a donation to have them moved to someone else's yard. Funny stuff, bet it would p*ss off the city council to see a hundred flamingos in your yard in protest to the chick ordinance. You would have lots of folks driving by all hours of the day, maybe some spotlights at night (so you could see them from space), lemonade stand during the day (probably against there law too). You could have music blaring from a speaker in the yard.

Sorry for ranting, just fantasizing how to get back at a lousy city ordinance.
the chicken poop just went to my heirloom tomatoes today. and you wanna talk about noise?! we have the bn railroad that blasts the whole town all day and night. somebody in the neighborhood got a new puppy and they put it out to yelp all night. my dog (american staffordshire) seems to think he's a bassett hound and howls every morning. then there's a stupid tomcat making his disgusting noises. so much for sleeping with my window open! oh yeah, there's the mosquito sprayer, going by now, the wednesday morning siren test, the list goes on and on doesn't it? so if you google " bayard, chickens," my story will probably come up. it's amusing really how some people view the simple life.
Did you ever think of raising pigeons? Lots, and lots of pigeons? I hear they can be trained to hang out where ever there is food dropped on the ground. Isn't there a city hall or court house that needs some seed or bread crumbs (tiny crumbles in a box, not big loaf pieces) sprinkled around the sidewalks, shrubs, cars, etc.? It can't be littering since it's biodegradeable. Then the pigeons can do what they do best: make babies and make poop.

Just a thought from someone who has fought with the 'big dogs' and lost (not chicken related). Sometimes all you can get out of the deal is a little personal long as no one gets hurt, OF COURSE! I DO have my STANDARDS, low as they may be.
the flamingos are a great idea. actually the high school here puts a toilet in your yard, and you pay to have it removed and put in somebody else's yard. too funny. and Featherbaby, I'M A HERMIT! i already have people driving by and if i had one entrepeneural (?) bone in my body i could do the lemonade neighbor left today for the WHOLE day, and left her music blasting. i'm sure it was amusing for the t.v. news as they caught it too while filming my girls. this all just blows my mind! atleast we can all have a sense of humor here, when the going gets rough. and pigeons.....ICK!
Hey LittleGorb... I know this is about four months too late, but I COMMEND you on the fight that you fought. I COMMEND you on the fact that your refused to present a driver's licence whilst in your front yard. The officers we have nowadays have forgotten their whole purpose and are so high on their power to FORCE people into compliance. To me it's funny when someone who is meek and mild shows them the error fo their ways... (like you did when they realized that this was not an arrestable offense and had to take you back home...)

I would still be making a big stink about this if I was you...TWO HUNDRED PINK FLAMINGOES..... and file a noise complaint about the neighbors who leave and leave the music on.... the MINUTE someone's dog starts barking.... file a complaint..... FIle a complaint about "Selective enforcement". (this worked for us with a property we had.... we recieved a summons by the town which was consequently thrown out because we documented selective enforcement around town.)

Tyranny only exists because no one fights against it. Keep up the good fight hon.... you've got a lot of us behind you.
hey better late than never. and i thought everybody forgot about me, so i quit writing. well since you encouraged me, i will fill you all in on what has happened thus far.

i filed a complaint with the Nebraska Equal Opportunity Commission. they have accepted my complaint, under the fair housing act, and refusal to provide reasonable accomodation. (i have a dr. note recommending i have my chickens.)

they contacted the city attorney, (who also represented me in my social security disability). i had a rebuttal interview with the investigator (neoc), and she asked what i would want. i told her: i want to have my chickens, i want to be reimbursed for gas having to go take care of them, pay my fine and court costs, and an apology.

the attorney presented my offer to the city council, and they refused. they are too proud to apologize! sooooo now it will go before the commissioners at the NEOC. they have 100 days to wrap up the investigation. so if they find the city in violation, which i don't see a reason why they wouldn't, then i will get to have my girls back.

they started laying eggs 3 days ago, which makes it so sad because they are not here with me.

this city has no leaders, only followers. so if one says nay, they all do. i read in the paper every month the outcome of their minutes and they ALWAYS stick together.

i am planning to take civil action should the NEOC find for me. one reason is discrimination, malicious prosecution, selective enforcement and whatever else i can think of that they have put me through. i didn't ask for much, so if they refuse to have empathy for disabled and low income people, they need to get hit where it hurts. and i don't care anymore. being nice has got me nothing but crapped on.

on a positive note, my garden is keeping me very busy, canning pickles, tomatoes turning, lots of peppers, squash, onions. i'm very eggcited about it, and it has helped keep my mind occupied. it is very therapeutic to garden, as well as raise a few hens.

thanks for your support, i hope others will chime in and not forget about this fight for our basic freedoms, and rights.

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