My chick died and I cant get over it :(

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I'm guessing this person is in Asia somewhere, but living in the city in a high rise apartment. The colored chicks are common in India and Pakistan sold in the city as novelties, not as livestock. Our OP is an English speaker, but with a limited vocabulary, especially where chicken care is concerned.

Be patient, we'll get there! Today, we need to keep the chick warm and fed. Looks like pasty butt is developing from being chilled and not kept warm. The chicks that died may have died from being dropped, but also from being chilled and maybe from not having grit and fine chick feed.

Next step will be to get OP to understand chickens grow up and have needs.
What Country do you live in? We ask that so we know the climate & what supplies you have available. You live at home, alone or do you live with others that could help you with the chick?

Do NOT pull it off it will HURT & you may cause damage & it will bleed.
To remove the dried poop, soften it with warm water & cloth, gently remove the poop.

Agree with azygous, any idea where ATM is? Unless OP meant KTM?

EDITED TO ADD from OP post #35 - but I really cant find something to make her warm in night its just hard I dont wanna buy more than 1 chick because Im not that experienced and they might die from me again but I will see
Post #36 - Also I live in my home atm , I have a farm about 2 Kilo Meters away but its a farm for cows and goats only i decided to buy chicks to raise them in my home
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Hi I have raised chicks in the past. 1st if there is any pet store near where you live get a tinny light heat bulb (they use it for reptiles) put that in a lamp you can have over one corner of the box. I should make it clear if you can get one that isnt IR light bulb since that might be to hot, different types of bulbs give off different amount of heat. Your chick needs to both get into and out of the light so make sure she isnt under the light at all times. A very good container for her is a storage bin (without lid) or wadding pool I like wood shavings in the bottom but straw or hay works to. Clean off her butt with water she will scream and be upset but it has to be done. Last time I did this I soaked the area in warm water on a towel then lightly pull or wipe what you can, repeat until all of the poop is off. Make sure to cuddle her a bit during this process and after so she knows everything is ok. Talk to her and since she is alone you might have to keep her in your bedroom till you get a friend. I have raised anything from chicks to baby goats to puppies that way as long as they cant get out of their container they feel safer that you are there. These are just my thoughts I hope some of them helps. Good luck
So sorry to hear about your chick! I remember a year ago ordering baby chicks and as soon as we opened the box we took them out and one hopped into my sweater. I pulled her out and she squirmed and fell on to the garage floor which was cement and luckily she was fine, but I was really scared. Just make sure you have the proper care for them and try to read a article on how to raise baby chicks. I followed it when I did my first batch. Usually when raising batches of baby chicks dead ones can often occur from illness etc. My cousins had no idea they had to give chicks grit when they got their first batch then all of a sudden they died. That's why you must read a lot before just raising them. Crumbles are definitely recommended before pellets as well. Chicks have very small crops and pellets can't be so easily digested. It is a lot better to forget about the chick and just say to yourself these things do happen. That is what I say when I have had chickens pass away and I thinks it really works.;)
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