My dog just used my chickens as toys, need new ones now.

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*SIGH* watch me get myself in trouble here. This has NOTHING to do with how her birds were hurt. This is a simple case of someone so unconcerned with the welfare of her chickens she is refusing the most basic cleaning and antibiotic treatment to keep them from dying of infection. She is choosing to "let nature take its course" as she says (nature being INFECTION) and wants more birds! She does not deserve more until she takes responsibility for the care of those she has now! Whether that is culling to prevent suffering or treatment to try and save them. She is choosing to do NOTHING. PERIOD!!!!
i totally agree with this. if you are refusing to touch them, and even going off to bed and leaving them covered in blood and not even the most basic care given, you dont need more.
I have to agree, something is better than nothing
Would you guys leave the poor woman alone....are you guys crazy...they are CHICKENS!!!! She is letting nature take it's course after having had an accident with her dog...SO WHAT!!!!! If I lived near her i would give her more chickens in a's not like she did nothing to care for them until now. Sometimes this place really irks all seem to treat chickens better than people, you all have something nasty to say about those who make any kind of mistake...your chickens all have to live like queens...SHEESH!
We are talking about the feelings of a HUMAN BEING here that you guys are thrashing over a bunch of STUPID...yes I repeat that STUPID chickens GET IT!!! A human's feeling should ALWAYS get precidence over a very chicken.
You all gotta get a life...and learn some FARMING instead of backyard queen keeping
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i know plenty of dyed in the wool farmers that wouldnt let an animal suffer. they would take it upon themselves to provide care, or put it out of its misery. letting a wounded animal linger on and suffer isnt farming, its being callous and cruel.sometimes you have to set aside your feelings and get the job done.
I agree that the most sensible thing to do would be to end thier suffering, but not everyone is capeable of that. I completely disagree that all of you have to henpeck this woman and make her feel worse than she already does! Leave her alone, get over it, and let her deal with it the way she wants to.
I think I'll hold my tongue with this one and just close it. Thanks for your participation.

****I also suggest the original poster familiarize herself with the rules of BST, which are stickied at the top of the section, such as putting your location in the title, etc.
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