My duckling has a broken leg


Apr 24, 2015
Hello everyone! Need some advise. Took my duckling to a avian specialist who at first told me to put him to sleep. He had a break in the leg up near the body. No X-rays. After a few tears from me, he then got on a forum with other specialists who said just to put him in a small box and because he is so little, the bone should grow back together. Should I tape the leg close to body? Do you think he was correct? The leg is curled up near the body but he isn't putting any weight on it. It has been just three days. Really worried. Has anyone every had this type of break and what did you do for it? Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!
Maybe if you have horse rap that around its leg I'm not really because I have never had a duckling with a broken leg
Thank you for responding! The first day it happened, he drug the leg behind him. Right now it is curled up under his body and he stands on the other leg. I am hoping it's an improvement. Anyone knows if I should let him swim after another couple of days? He is the only duck. I am hoping that if he would survive if he had use of just one leg.
Thank you for responding! The first day it happened, he drug the leg behind him. Right now it is curled up under his body and he stands on the other leg. I am hoping it's an improvement. Anyone knows if I should let him swim after another couple of days? He is the only duck. I am hoping that if he would survive if he had use of just one leg.
I wouldn't let him use his leg too much give it a bit of time to begin healing. Then start water therapy but don't let him jump in or out of the water and have the water warm. everything will have to be done gently. Just like when us or any animal breaks a leg it a slow process to heal but it can. I'd add some vitamin supplements to his water for extra immune boost right now. The are usually some good poultry vitamins at TSC or feed stores. wrapping I'm not sure of because if you get the vet wrap too tight it can cause circulation problems . Did the vet think wrapping was a good idea?
Thanks Miss Lydia! The vet didn't say anything about taping it up except not to move it very much. I will check on the vitamins at TSC and start giving it to him/her. He was wanting to recheck it in about 10 days. I was going to put the baby in and out of the tub in a couple of days. I was hoping it will help. Appreciate the info. I am never the one who want to give up on an animal!
Thanks Miss Lydia! The vet didn't say anything about taping it up except not to move it very much. I will check on the vitamins at TSC and start giving it to him/her. He was wanting to recheck it in about 10 days. I was going to put the baby in and out of the tub in a couple of days. I was hoping it will help. Appreciate the info. I am never the one who want to give up on an animal!
Me either, keep up the TLC and hopefully it will pay off. keep us updated.
Just to let everyone know that Lewey is still hopping around. The vet looked at him/her again and said that the way the leg healed caused the foot to draw up like a fist. That there was no way to help straighten it out. Though it has been only a week, Lewey has over tripled his weight. He walks around using the broken leg like a crutch. So he is putting weight on it. I put him in the pool just today to get some exercise and he was using his leg in a swimming motion. He also scratches his face with it. The leg does not slow him down at all! I hate to have him be by himself without a playmate so I am looking for one about his age. He is getting very attached to me and my dogs and I don't want anything else to happen to him. Any ideas that will make his life happier, would be appreciated. Thanks!
My ducklings leg is broken, he/she uses it as a crutch too but it's bent outwards. The duckling is able to use it a little bit to get around on he's just slower than the rest of the duckings. I'm glad I found your thread because I was debating wrapping it!

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