My family, not animal, but still animal, animalia-human/teenager


5 Years
Jul 3, 2018
Europe, Estonia
Hi you all! Please help me give one correct, understandable and logical sentence for teenager who says: "I did not ask to be born here and my parents are guilty of it."
We are (parents) 75% ateists and 25% christians in one person , we are not from USA. Dont ask about religion, its not point or important in here. If you can put your experiance and wisdom in one (or two) sentence, please share it to me. Please don´t send your life storys. Thank you!
Maybe ask him why he feels so unhappy, and take him on a hike or something to enjoy natures gifts.
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Depression maybe? It would be a good idea to get to the root of the problem. I don't know about where you are but depression is quite common in teenagers in the US.
One way to look at having kids is that it's selfish (not my opinion, I have heard this argument though) because you want a kid, so you bring a being into existence, one that did not ask to be created.

He had no say into whether you had him or not, hence you're 'guilty' of making him be born
I don’t understand why you point out your beliefs if religion isn’t important? I think what you believe in, and more importantly what he believes in, is entirely applicable in this situation. I’m sorry he sounds so lost and unhappy. 💔
The Gift of Life Is Bigger Than You and Me.

Nihilism is the by-product of a modern world where people are more narcissistic and self-centered than they should be,and because they can have kids doesn't mean they should have kids. Modern society today gets caught up in so much crap they never stop to step back and focus on what's really important within family and children.

How many people in their Deathbed start to completely realize how fragile; how short; our lives are? How we had a chance to make a difference,and to touch other people to heal other souls including ours.... at that very moment is when a lot of people realize how precious being alive is.
Regrets; lost friendships; lost loves; pride and selfishness mean nothing when death is at the door.

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