My first egg I'm so proud :)


Sees Wine Dots
10 Years
Mar 22, 2009
Heuvelton, NY
My most mature barred rock hen finally gave me an egg! I'm so excited
Not bad for her first time. A little small, but hey, I'm not complaining!!! I'm such a proud chicken mom!!

Good Job ! lol made me check the boxes more and more...Then I added more hens for more eggs! I holding at 14 seems to be what I can afford!
Nice egg for a beginner. Just wondering how old is she?? I have four RIR's that are going to be five months old. Should I put a fake egg (like a plastic egg) in their nest?? I'm getting very excited to get my first egg.

Thank you for any help.
I took the golf balls out of the nests and even blocked off the nests cause everyone was just pooping on it.....I want an egg!!!! Come on Girls!!!! (21-22 weeks, Red Stars, cochins and a silkie)
we got our first egg at exactly 20 weeks. Then nothing for a whole week. Then a few more started dribbling in here and there.

13 girls are of laying age. I am getting 4 a day right now at 23 weeks. I have a barnyard mix. Lakenvelder, cuckoo marans(gorgeous eggs!!!!!), bantam EEs, bantam cochins, andalusian, buttercup

Now the fun really begins!

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