My first pullet eggs!


9 Years
Apr 28, 2010
Millersburg, PA
I have twenty 18 week old pullets so I have no idea who laid this monster today. I have andalusions, NN's, white & brown leghorns, welsummer & white rocks and two 6 month old Orp's. The egg on the left is the first egg I found from the little ones 2 days ago and the one on the right is a silkie egg. I could not believe one of the youngster laid this one as big as it is!!! I was expecting smaller eggs at first from the pullets for awhile. Whoever started laying, is starting out big!!
The pullet eggs are white. Any guesses on which breed might have started out this big??? I am thinking it is probably one of the leghorns???


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I was thinking it might be a double yolker too!
I will have to let you know. I am hoping to be able to get up early so I can have it for breakfast tomorrow!
We had a HUGE one in the first coupla weeks, turned out to be a double. Only double we've gotten, but now we're getting eggs that size regularly... they're just big all around. How awesome is it that the store Large carton won't close properly.

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