My Flock Journey

Rhode Island Red Roo:
I think I maybe wrong about my Rhode Island Red being a roo! It has a wonky beak so it looked like its comb was getting larger like the others but now im thinking it was because of the beak being wonky. Ill post some pictures over the weekend and get your opinions. Im really hoping its a Pullet!!!!
My Black Australorp Roo has a name now! JD but we will nickname him Monster. I dont want the neighbors to here me calling Monster lol. He is a nasty as bird!

I go to go into the coop because they still haven't been able to work out the ramp. Who meets me at the door with his little attitude Monster! Then when im trying to pick them up guess whos pecking me Monster! Then they are all in the coop and heres an action shot of him pecking Hazel whilst shes asleep!
His comb is getting pretty red too.
I pinned him down and showed him im the boss and I may have told him if he wasn't going to behave he was going to freezer camp but thats his word against mine lol.
Hi lovely, how are you?
Yes Licorices leg is heaps better she is walking, standing and moving it a lot better. She has now joined the others in the big coop and I checked on them this morning and she was down eating with the others so that means she used the ramp ok and didn't hurt herself again. Im really really happy I couldn't lose another one.

Anyways how are you and your flock?
My flock is doing great! My youngest 5 are growing great and the rest of them are healthy and happy! As for me, I have a cold so I’m struggling with throat pain and a runny nose! Glad Licorice is doing good!
My flock is doing great! My youngest 5 are growing great and the rest of them are healthy and happy! As for me, I have a cold so I’m struggling with throat pain and a runny nose! Glad Licorice is doing good!

Ohhh hope you are feeling better soon. Its the season for it. We had 10 people call in sick on Monday we were so short staffed it wasn't funny.

And your flock is happy and healthy thats the main thing. I just woke up and I think my partner is playing with the chickens already.

Do you have other pets?
Update on the flock roosting for the night:
I still have to help my chicks up the ramp to go to roost at night. They can all use the ramp but not seem to put themselves to bed.

But on the bright side JD (Black Australorp Roo) isn't pecking me when im trying to get them.
Also, Licorice (Black Australorp that had the sore leg) uses the ramp better then all of them! I was concerned she might hurt herself again so im extremely happy.
Brooder Update:
My brooder box has been cleaned and packed away. Hopefully I won't need it our for awhile. Well until I know what's going on with my flock.
My coop is rated to 8 chickens and at the moment I have 7 so I won't do another round of chicks until I either need more or my flock has chicks themselves.
Just have to wait and see. :pop

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