My Half Silkie half Maran chick Thor :3


In the Brooder
8 Years
Aug 8, 2011
South Texas
here he is as a new born


he was the first one to hatch out of the group :3 Right now I have about 15 chicks x3 ! I got about 4 Silkie/Maran chicks

Here Thor now, he about 1 week and 2 days old now :3



It seems the feathers growing out are normal and not silkie : < but still I really want to see what these Silkie/Marans will look like :3
that would be awesome! Idk what Thor is yet, I only have one silkie which is his mom D: hopefully I can get my hands on more Silkies x3
Thor is getting more feathers and looks really goofy, his tail feathers are coming in and look really fluffy like a silkie!! LOL
Silkie eggs are small small, I love them cause of the way they look. I love how fluffy they are, and make great brooders/mothers. I just really enjoy that breed of chicken <3



Here are more photo of the growing Thor!!! He is going to be 3 weeks old!!
LOL I can't help but giggle at his tail feathers <3
Whew! It been about 6 months from my last post about Thor!
Thor was part of a nice group of 16 chicks, and I sold 13 of them and kept 3 which were half Silkie/Maran.
Than it turn out Thor is a hen and not a rooster! Oh gosh! But one of the other 3 I kept was but sadly he pass away from an unknown reason, but I now still have Thor and her sister who hasn't gotten a name yet, but she was the last one to hatch out of the 16!
Sadly their mother Silkie Mama has pass away from getting sick after it got cold and rainy. I'm very upset about that, she was my only silkie :(

RIP Silkie Mama.

I wanted to show the father.

These are photos of the now Thor!! (sorry about the bad photos . . . phone you know?)

Here Thor's Sister.

I love how fluffy they look! Thor has that lovely gold and bread! While her sister all blackish with no bread. They are just really cool and cute looking chicken! :D
But sadly I lost the mother so now I need to try and get some more silkies if I can. I really hope I can T_T !!! I really want to breed more of these cool guys.

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