My heart is broken / Told to get rid of my girls / Resolved!

No, but I might have an idea... the ones that touch our property on the very corner. We had an incident about a week ago where one of the little ones dodged under the fence... my son had to jump the fence and get her. She may be the one that called.

We don't know her.

Okay, I have poured over the codes (with the help of BloominOrchid) and hopefully have a leg to stand on. The code that they quote in the letter says NOTHING about animals in any way. They added the last sentance about livestock and put chickens in ( )s... which is not in the code at all. Next... the state of PA does not include chickens as livestock. It seems my township doesn't include them either when you read the RA codes... so they were wrong with how they wrote the letter.

Next... the type of chickens I have are specifically said to make good pets and are classified as ornamental rather than for food or production.

I think they are focusing on the use of the property and looking for a building. This is all I have on my property and I don't think it would classify as a "building".

Anyone have any thoughts?

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Just the fact that that coop is movable might help. It's not a permanent fixture! Not cemented into the ground! Good Luck! Our code says anything under 10 x 10 doesn't need a permit.
They are only arguing on the zoning, they didn't site the code that says you can't keep chickens or a coop, that means it isn't there.

Argue with them with codes and other city or state cases that have been won, they cannot dismiss them and they will not be able to find anything wrong with it.

Look at the code on sheds, I know that in my county you do not need a permit for anything smaller than 250 sq. feet.

My family has be fighting this with our city for almost 2 years and we still have the chickens-- even more than when they started with this nonsense.

Worst case scenario take down the coop and move them into the garage or something, I know of a family that has 15 chickens living in their house just so that the city can't take them away, they are only arguing about the coop.
So the next step is to force them to take the next step, which means they have to haul you before a judge.

You need to make certain that the coop/hutch is not required to have a building permit to erect, some towns require all buildings to have one some require it only if the building exceeds a certain square footage, and some require a permit if there is any electrical or plumbing involved no matter the size.

Even if a permit isn't required to build one most places require any out building values to be declared for tax assessment purposes.

I couldn't find the Article the code was referring to. Did you have any luck with finding it?
Honestly, I'd put four bantam hens in the house. Do you have a basement or garage?

I'm sorry you have to go through this. Seems at least one of your neighbors is two faced... ordinanced don't usually get enforced until someone makes a complaint.

Good luck. Don't see what is so wrong with 4 tiny birds. What is this country comming to? (Don't answer that... we'll get in trouble with the Mods)
heres an idea get 2 of these and hook them up together
cant beleive they would do that chickens are smaller than parrots i would give them to a friend for a couple of days so when the township comes they wont see any chickens and they will leave they might check on you for a couple of days so i would sneak to your friends at night get your birds and while everyones sleeping you keep them in your house that same site sells diapers for chickens
Okay... here is where we are... I have an in-person meeting with the Zoning guy tomorrow at 1:00 pm. BloominOrchid is going with me. I have the zoning info all printed... the photo of my set-up... the description of my girls... being silkies are considered an ornamental bird, not production or for consumption. They actually lived inside all winter (as I didn't want them out in the cold)... I just really like having them outside in the nicer months... they love it.

My Uncle is a lawyer down in Maryland... I have asked him to just read the letter and codes... see where that gets us.

Also looking into a cage for the house...

Again, thanks for everyone's input... I so appreciate it.


PS - tnchickenut - no basement... but we do have a garage... but that would involve getting my hubby to clean it out.
Is the meeting going to be recorded? if not bring your own recorder, you want everything to be documented.

It is great that you have an Uncle lawyer, I also have one and he is a really big help!
I don't think you really need a loop-hole. There is nothing that prohibits you from having pet chickens. The quoted code said nothing bout chickens.

If the violation is the building, then they should have demanded removal of the building- not the birds. I noticed your ordinances specifically mentioned that dwellings don't count as farm buildings. I vote for putting wheels on the coop.

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