My Ivy.. Latest Relapse...She's Gone

Yay for little Tiny! You go girl!!! It won't be long at all before she has a respectable sized egg and you'll have a hard time telling it from all of the other pullets in her group!!

I just love those first efforts. They're so proud of themselves. And often times surprised!
Little Vivian laid her first just the other day and I was lucky enough to be in the coop at the time. I laughed so hard at the expression on her face after she laid it. She looked from the egg, to me, back to her egg, then back at me with a look that said, "Momma?! Did that really come from ME?!?!?"
Others just take it all in their stride and act like old hands at this business right from the very get go. It's always such a fine and fun time when the pullets start laying. And having a fridge full of eggs doesn't hurt none either!

Hey! Send some of those muffins this way!
I promise I'll share with the babies!!

Cyn, I hope Lexie will perk up soon and get back to her old self. Poor little darling. She was so wonderful to stay with Ivy that way. We of the human persuasion should be so lucky to have such a devoted friend to share our last moments with. Both are truly remarkable souls!
Well, not only did Tiny lay but the remaining five in her age group each produced an egg today, including Emily and Neela. These were Emily and Neela's first eggs ever. See Tiny's tiny egg in the carton?


I am so sorry for your loss - Ivy was so very special to many of us who have been reading your thread about her, all of us willing her to get well - thank you for giving us all the opportunity to share this so very difficult time for you, your family and Lexie - the pictures were poignant and so very special of Lexie with Ivy - I am so glad you let Lexie stay with Ivy until the end, they had a tremendous bond as you do with your chickens.

Ivy will never be forgotten by those who have read this thread - my thoughts are with you, you are amazing! I hope one day I can be half of the Mum you are to my flock of babies

Cynthia and Tom, I am so sorry for your loss. Ivy was a very special girl, full of life and spunk. She didn't want to leave you and fought with everything she had. I'm so glad that Lexie was there with her. She wasn't alone. Your love meant so much to her. Now Ivy has crossed over into a much better place. She's watching over you all, sending her love back to you.



You've taught us all so much...
I am well aware that some think I'm nuts. On one hand, I see chickens equal to most dogs as pets-I know mine sure acted like them, know their names, come when called, able to learn certain words and commands, etc. No, I won't put a chicken in a diaper to roam my house, but I will bring a hurt or ailing bird inside the house in the playpen so I can keep an eye on it. On the other, I'd cull immediately for respiratory illness, no questions asked.
Sigh. Middle aged woman grieves over dead chicken-News @ 11. I wouldn't trade my experiences with my birds for anything, though. Wish I'd had the brilliant idea to get chickens years and years earlier so my boys wouldn't be such big-city wusses about them.

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