My little Nando just will not grow! Update: He's found a forever home!

Wondering how Nan is doing?
She's the most thriving failure-to-thrive I've ever seen (which isn't saying much as I only got my first batch of chickens 15 months ago!) She's seems to grow stronger every day. Her broken toe seems to have stopped hurting so much and she's less wobbly. The size disparity continues to grow however, and I think I'm going to have to cave in and get her a couple of bantam buddies soon. The others are quite ready for the coop.

Go Nan Go!

Little Nan at 7 weeks old!

The back side:

With the others, the white one is her hatch mate:

**How is everyone else who has posted about their itty bitties doing?**
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Seven weeks old?! She looks 2. It's amazing how different chicks grow/feather out at different rates.
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my itty bitty OEGB roo is now 9 weeks old and crowed today for the first time he's still teeny and fits in my hand but holds his own and has buddied up with my biggest production red girl but is starting to take notice of my 7 week old black and lav banty hens who are even smaller than he is and my problem child smores is around 5 weeks old and is going the the major uglies s/he will grow a wing feather or two and lose it and i noticed this morning that she is finally starting to get tail feathers s/he had a major hiney issues and my little amerucana is finally starting to grow a bit and is also going thru the uglies h/she is about 1/2 the size of the other 3 and all my itty bitties are just as spunky as their bigger counter parts
She reminds me of those children that age really fast but don't grow. She doesn't look like a baby anymore..she looks like an old lady in a chick costume.
She IS an old lady in a chick costume...LOL. She's actually quite a bit cuter than the picture. I should take her outside in the sun and grass instead of the dark laundry room. She was upset that she kept slipping around on the washer lid.
I bet the sun would do her a lot of good..not saying she isn't cute...she is adorable..but her face does look different than a new chick..poor lil thang lol
I have one to, she is not growing at all and she is with her mama so I'm afraid she may not make it and her mom will be heartbroken. Ive seen her eat but she hasn't grown at all, I did notice mom sitting on her A LOT and actually wondered if she didn't get the opportunity to eat much? Ive been making them hardboiled eggs every day as a treat and she seems to like them, Im worried tho cause she is just SO tiny. I don't have the heart to take her away from mom and put her in a brooder so I can really watch her, I just have to hope for the best and help out however I can.
Poor Nan. The her sisters have left the building and all she gets is a glass fish tank. She actually seems quite content snuggled up to the feather duster. She's still eating and drinking and does get to visit her sisters for short times when the sun comes out. She's quite happy when she gets to see them. I put an ad on CL to see if anyone else had a failure to thrive I could have to be her friend, but no for now, she's going to have to hang with us in the nice warm house.

Nan: 7.5 weeks!


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