DLM. I told y’all.

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Ducks are more like dogs, they bond with you and they need your attention. Chickens are more like cats, they know you're somehow important for them, but they prefer to do their own things.
When our ducks haven't seen my wife for several days (night shi(f)t) they are truly happy (and much louder) when they finally see her again. - And expect some cat-food treats…
You know, I had never thought of ducks being like dogs and chickens like cats, but I think you are right.
Buff Orpingtons and Runners are some of the lightest breeds and they can fly for short distances; KCs also! Call Ducks and domesticated Mallards can also fly relatively well.
It is a sign of good health that she is able to take off on her own, she is definitely not over-weight.
All of my ducks are able to get airborne, even the heavier White Layers and Brownie, the big drake. - The difference is in the landing: The runners just land on their feet and run some steps and stop. The Buffies land on their feet, run some steps, stumble and slide out on their bellies. The White Panzers keep their legs up and use their belly feathers as airbags. Yes and Brownie, oh boy, oh boy...
OMG! I don’t even want to think about clumsy Petey trying to fly, much less trying to land. 🤣 Bless her fat butt and big belly.
Same here, with ducks:
Last fall the neighbors asked me for six duck eggs, then after two months had enough from the ducklings and gave them back to me: four drakes and one girl.
This summer, the four ducklings Pinball Duck hatched, seem to be three drakes and one girl.
I have waaaayyyy too many drakes and without taking action the duck will all be bald headed next spring. And i can't slaughter any of my drakes. They are a**holes, r@pists and duck terrorists, but when i catch one of them they are so dang sweeeeeet.
I guess the only thing i can do is to order 5-10 F&W runners from Metzer, all girls...
And see how i can build an extension to the duck-house…
Oh dear, I know what you’re saying. Those faces, though!

Beware ordering all females! Remember, that’s what I did and Ralphie appeared! 🤷🏼‍♀️

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